ITS Campus, ITS News – Another proud achievement in the international arena has come from the Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS). This time, the ITS Barunastra team, a robotics ship or roboboat team, managed to win a winner at the 2021 International Roboboat Competition (IRC) organized by RoboNation. This institution focuses on developing robotic technology-based in the United States, which was held online, Monday ( 28/6).
Carrying Nala Poseidon, the virtual roboboat succeeded in bringing the ITS Barunastra team to victory in the competition, which was attended by 14 participants from six countries worldwide. Nala Poseidon managed to get back the winners in the three categories at IRC 2021. 1st place in the Skills Video (Hull Design) type, 1st place in the Website category, and 2nd place in the Technical Design Report category.
Marisa Prawoto, External Public Relations (Humas) staff of Barunastra ITS, explained that the competition categories are three final outputs in this competition, which will eventually be contested with 14 other teams. These three outputs will then explain the ship’s performance, the design used, and the technology implemented. “So this output will explain how these three things can affect and help ships later when carrying out missions,” he explained.
Marisa added a total of six missions that must be carried out by Nala Poseidon, namely Mandatory Navigation Channel, Speed Gate, Obstacle Channel, Obstacle Field, Acoustic Docking, and Object Delivery. All missions are a model of the problems that occur routinely in the maritime industry. “Through the Technical Design Report and Skills Video, Barunastra ITS explained its strategy in carrying out the existing mission,” said the student from Jakarta.
Despite the Covid-19 pandemic and the online competition, it did not dampen the enthusiasm of the Barunastra team in designing Nala Poseidon. In this competition, the participants do not need to make a physical prototype, but only a sophisticated ship design to carry out the existing mission.
All the work of the team consisting of 23 people can be accessed through the site Nala Poseidon itself is a development of the previous version of Nala G4. According to the explanation on the Skills Video on the site, Nala Poseidon can carry out all missions smoothly.
According to Marisa, IRC itself has been routinely followed by the ITS Barunastra team, but the most significant difference from this year’s competition is that it is held online. This year, the competition was born from the end of April to June 2021. Although the ITS Barunastra team still made careful preparations to present the best results to the jury in an extended period. “The Barunastra team continues to carry out regular upgrading and monitoring every week,” said this Chemistry Department student.
In the future, the ITS Barunastra team is still determined to maintain its achievements and improve its performance in various competitions both nationally and internationally. They are optimistic that in-depth research and good team performance will open up many opportunities for this team. Barunastra will again hone his skills to solidify his position as one of the best robotics teams in the world. (ITS Public Relation)
Reporter: Muhammad Miftah Fakhrizal
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