ITS News

Saturday, December 28, 2024
June 30, 2021 20:06

ITS Again Opens Registration for International Classes and Applied Undergraduates

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ITS Campus, ITS News – After officially accepting 3,061 prospective new students from the Partnership, Independent, and Prestari (SKMP) Selection, last Saturday (26/6), the Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) again widened the opportunity to be able to study at this Hero Campus. Starting from Thursday (1/7), ITS opens registration for the third batch of the International Undergraduate Program (IUP) and the Independent Selection of the Applied Undergraduate Program.

ITS opened the international class program for 17 study programs (Prodi) plus three study programs that opened joint degree programs so that prospective applicants have many choices to continue their education in this program. Every year, there is at least an increase of about 50 percent of applicants for this program.

Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) kembali siap menerima mahasiswa baru dari jalur Program IUP dan Seleksi Mandiri Program Sarjana Terapan

TheInstitut Teknologi Sepuluh November (ITS) is again ready to accept new students from the IUP Program and the Independent Selection of the Applied Undergraduate Program.

“In the previous two waves in 2021, the study programs that were most in demand for the IUP program were Business Management, Informatics Engineering, and Industrial Engineering,” explained the Head of the ITS Admissions Sub-directorate (Kasubdit), Dr. Eng Unggul Wasiwitono ST MEng Sc.

Other study programs offered at this IUP include Statistics, Mechanical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Physics Engineering, Materials and Metallurgical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Urban and Regional Planning, Geomatics Engineering, and Geophysical Engineering. In addition, it is also open to Shipping Engineering, Marine Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Information Systems, and Business Management.

The ITS Mechanical Engineering Department lecturer revealed that studying in the ITS IUP class gives students access to choose one of several international exposure options. “Among others are excursion studies, internships in international or multinational companies, student exchanges, summer courses, and several study programs that open joint degree options that allow students to get double degrees from both institutions,” he explained.

In the joint degree program, from the beginning, it will be taught by lecturers from ITS and partner campus lecturers who even came directly to ITS before the pandemic. In addition, for the entire International Class, we will invite lecturers from partner campuses to give guest lectures.

“For ITS internal lecturers, there is an increase in qualifications to be able to teach in international classes with the English for Medium Instruction (EMI) program in collaboration with the British Council and the American Indonesian Exchange Foundation (AMINEF),” explained Unggul.

This IUP program will open registration for batch III on July 1 – 8, 2021, followed by an online interview session on July 13, 2021. The graduation itself will be announced on July 16, 2021. As for the registration requirements, further access can be found on the page http:/ /


One of the student learning activities on the Institut Teknologi Sepuluh November (ITS) campus

Meanwhile, for prospective students who prefer applied or applicable things and want to work immediately after completing their studies, ITS reopens the Independent Selection for the Applied Undergraduate Program on July 1 – 9, 2021. Graduation will be announced on July 16, 2021. The complete registration mechanism can be accessed through the page

In this program, ITS only opens selection for five study programs (Prodi). They are Manufacturing Engineering Technology, Water Building Construction Engineering Technology, Energy Conversion Engineering Technology, Instrumentation Technology Engineering, and Automation Engineering Technology. To note, the five study programs opened in this selection will later get an Applied Bachelor (S.Tr) degree with graduates equivalent to a regular undergraduate program.

The Dean of the ITS Vocational Faculty (FV), Prof. Ir Muhammad Sigit Darmawan MEngSc Ph.D., once said that the Applied Bachelor program is the right choice for those who prefer practical things because it has a curriculum structure with the industrial world. “So that the graduates are expected to be directly absorbed by the industry. One of them is the mandatory industrial internship for one semester,” he said.

The study program at FV ITS only accepts participants from SMA/MA majors in science and SMK/MAK graduates from majors relevant to the intended study program. This refers to the Regulation of the Director-General of Primary and Secondary Education number 06/D.D5/KK/2018 dated June 7, 2018, concerning the Spectrum of Expertise for Vocational High Schools (SMK)/Madrasah Aliyah Vocational Schools (MAK). (ITS Public Relation)


Reporter: Astri Nawwar Kusumaningtyas

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