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July 06, 2021 19:07

ITS Held Public Policy Recommendations Expose for the Government

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Expert practitioner of land remediation, Wayan Supadno, when delivering policy recommendations with the theme of Land Remediation Technology for Food Security

Land remediation expert practitioner Wayan Supadno, when delivering policy recommendations with Land Remediation Technology for Food Security.

ITS Campus, ITS News – Supporting the rise of national economical independence, the Pusat Kajian Kebijakan Publik (PKKP) Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) held an online Public Expose of Public Policy Recommendations , Tuesday (6/7). This policy recommendation raises three strategic themes, such as Land Remediation Technology for Food Security, 5G Technology for Manufacturing Revitalization, and the Implementation of Kampus Merdeka Speed Up ABGS++.

Opening the discussion on Land Remediation for Food Security, a member of the ITS PKKP research team, Dr. Nurul Jadid SSi MSc, revealed that food problems in Indonesia are broadly caused by three aspects, such as chemical fertilizer pollution, heavy metal pollution, and climate change. Based on ITS PKKP data, as of 2018, at least 28.5 million hectares of are land are affected and unproductive for Indonesian food production.

As an academic, Nurul emphasized that universities should map real-time sustainable monitoring of agricultural land. “We can build an applicative research center for land rehabilitation, development of biological fertilizers, as well as local microbes exploration,” explained the ITS Biology Department lecturer.

Important values ​​contained in the policy recommendations with the theme Merdeka Campus Speed ​​Up ABGS++

Important values ​​contained in the policy recommendations with the Kampus Merdeka Speed ​​Up ABGS++ theme

Supporting this statement, Wayan Supadno, a practitioner in the land remediation field, stated that the cost of food production in Indonesia is very high because the quality of the soil is degrading. “Fertile soil must have a neutral pH and an organic C value of 4 percent,” he said.

Furthermore, he advised that the first step that farmers must take is to neutralize soil pH using dolomite every year. After that, organic C sources and microbial agents are added to increase urea and nitrogen and dissolve potassium phosphate and pesticides, such as pseudomonas and bacillus microbes. “Farmers’ intelligence is very much needed through regulations that apply on a national scale,” he said.

Policy proposal for Land Remediation Technology for Food Security

Policy proposal for Land Remediation Technology for Food Security

Entering the second theme related to 5G for Manufacturing Revitalization, President Director of PT Barata Indonesia Fajar Harry Sampurno explained that until 2020, the manufacturing sector occupies 19 percent of Indonesia’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP). If calculated, according to him, the added value generated by the manufacturing sector could reach Rp 2,800 trillion.

“Therefore, we must guard and anticipate government policies related to the 5G use in Indonesia,” he reminded. He also said that 5G is for telecommunications and that this network can control and monitor systems to use Big Data for the industry in the future.

Proposed policy recommendations with the theme of 5G for Manufacturing Revitalization

Proposed policy recommendations with the theme of 5G for Manufacturing Revitalization

The man familiar with Harry added that 5G can act as software that processes raw information into useful information. However, its further use is still being speculated, so mapping is needed regarding the types of manufacturing in Indonesia that require 5G technology to provide solutions for daily operational processes.

Finally, the third theme was presented by the ITS PKKP research team Gogor Arif Hadiwibowo ST MMT related to the Speed ​​Up ABGS++ Merdeka Campus. In this recommendation proposal, according to Gogor, Merdeka Campus Speed ​​Up ABGS++ requires an Artificial Intelligence (AI) -based database platform that is used to bridge the collaboration process between campuses and industries. One of the implementations of the Merdeka Campus Speed ​​Up ABGS++ platform is in the internship process.

ITS PKKP Research Team Dr. Nurul Jadid SSi MSc (right frame) when presenting policy recommendations on Land Remediation for Food Security

ITS PKKP Research Team Dr. Nurul Jadid SSi MSc (right frame) when presenting policy recommendations on Land Remediation for Food Security

Based on the experience, the internship process is considered quite complicated, both for companies and universities. “With Speed ​​Up ABGS++, recordings of student progress during internships can be recorded, and the conversion system and student interest mapping can be carried out more easily and quickly,” he explained.

Closing the discussion regarding the public policy recommendations, the Chairman of ITS PKKP, Dr. Ir Arman Hakim Nasution MEng, reminded again that the results of the thought that had been mentioned would be refined and submitted to the Coordinating Ministry for the Economy, the Presidential Team, and the DPR. “Hopefully, the results of our thoughts can be a direction for regulators to make policies for the progress of the nation,” he concluded hopefully. (ITS Public Relations)


Reporter: Difa Khoirunisa

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