ITS Campus, ITS News – Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) students won an achievement again. This time, through the design of road and intersection infrastructure, three students of the ITS Urban and Regional Planning Department presented the idea of using road corridors as communal public spaces.
This innovative idea finally won the title of the ten best writings in the Institut Studi Transportasi (Instran) writing competition. The three are Ariq Ridhwan Arya, Dimas Wahyu Aji, and Caesaryo Arif, who are the brains of the innovation design.
Highlighting the issue of road conditions in Indonesia, which is still oriented towards motorized vehicles, this triumvirate builds a road model that unites all aspects, motorized vehicles, pedestrians, and businesses and activities in the vicinity.
As the team leader, Ariq Ridhwan Arya explained, the concepts are divided into two types based on their characteristics, namely roads and intersections. “We initiated the development of roads, the use of open spaces, and the accommodation of New and Renewable Energy,” said Ariq when asked about the design system.
For example, the student from the 2019 batch showed a one-way street model without an intersection. Ariq said the main concept is to maximize the wider pedestrian path without disturbing the motorized vehicle lane. The design model shows a structured parking area and shelter accompanied by solar panels or kinetic energy panels as a power source.
Furthermore, Ariq said that his team proposed several policies to support road revitalization innovation. “The most basic thing is to limit private vehicles and maximize the use of public transportation,” he said. It aims to reduce the number of motorized vehicles while creating a walking culture in Indonesia.
In formulating the idea, Ariq said that the development of the concept of roads and intersections is suitable for big cities with various activities, ranging from human activities, trade, offices, and so on. The student from Solo also said that the design concept could be adapted to every road and intersection condition.
Ariq added that the ten best writings in this competition would be published in the innovation collection book by Instran. He hopes that the book containing his innovations can recommend the government to develop a better transportation system. “Hopefully, this achievement will be a stepping stone for us to develop innovations in other fields,” said Ariq. (sel/ITS Public Relation)
Reporter: Difa Khoirunisa
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