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August 02, 2021 23:08

ITS Equips New Students with National Spiritual Intellectual Intelligence

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Rektor ITS Prof Dr Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng saat membuka kegiatan PSB ITS 2021 secara daring sekaligus memberikan sambutan kepada para mahasiswa baru ITS 2021

ITS Rector, Prof Dr Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng, when opening the ITS 2021 National Spiritual Intellectual Intelligence online activity while giving a speech to ITS 2021 new students

ITS Campus, ITS News –Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) has prepared a series of welcoming activities for new students in 2021. The Spiritual and Nationality Training (PSB) activity is held online for two days beginning today, Monday (2/8).

At the beginning of his remarks, the Project Officer of ITS Spiritual and Nationality Training Activities, Imam Safawi Ahmad SSi MSi, explained that new students will be provided with spiritual insight, nationality, and intellectual intelligence. New students can apply this provision so that they do not fall into radical matters, both right radicals, and left radicals.

Furthermore, Imam explained that first-year students must understand their nature and purpose to study at ITS. It is necessary to follow the directions of lecturers and other teaching staff, and not to swallow raw information while actively studying and organizing easily. “You can be active, but you still have to remember the nature of students,” he said.

On the other hand, ITS Rector, Prof Dr Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng, also encouraged new students through his remarks and presentation of ITS general material. He explained that there was no longer a place with a higher level than a university. So, students should become superior, intellectual, and noble individuals after they proceed on campus.

Ketua pelaksana kegiatan PSB Imam Safawi Ahmad SSi MSi saat memberikan sambutan dalam acara PSB ITS 2021 yang digelar secara daring

The chief executive or project officer of Spiritual and Nationality Training activities, Imam Safawi Ahmad SSi MSi, when giving a speech at the event which was held online

He also emphasized that students are presented to be ready to be the best human beings or useful ones, so that the community needs their presence in accordance with the ITS tagline, namely ITS Advancing Humanity. “You are the nation’s leader, CEO, entrepreneur, thinker and community leader in the future,” said the ITS Electrical Engineering professor convincingly.

The Rector, who is often called Ashari, continued that students must remain enthusiastic about active learning and pay attention to education to become intellectually minded students. If the best facilities and lecturers support learning, but students do not want to actively pay attention, intellectual excellence will not be achieved.

Ashari also reminded that students still have to take lessons related to learning and the meaning of online learning during a pandemic that is becoming a disaster at this time. “Learning has a broad meaning; students should no longer understand the concept of learning with something that can be done passively,” he added.

Pemaparan materi tentang Pengenalan Informasi Lingkungan ITS oleh Rektor ITS Prof Dr Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng

Presentation of material about the introduction of ITS Environmental Information by ITS Rector Prof Dr Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng

Therefore, according to Ashari, it is necessary to have small achievements to be able to achieve something big. “Hopefully, in the future you will become young people who are able to achieve the success of up to 80 percent with enough effort of 20 percent,” he concluded.

This PSB event also presented other speakers related to intellectual and spiritual insights. Among others is the Director of State Defense of the Directorate General (Ditjen), Pothan Kemhan Brigadier General Jubei Levainto SSos MM, Sub-Coordinator of Content Production and Information Dissemination of Security and Defense of the Ministry of Communication and Information of the Republic of Indonesia, Dewi Rahmarini SSos MComm, Director of Prevention of the National Counter Terrorism Agency (BNPT), Brigadier General R Ahmad Nurwakhid SS MM, and Rois Am Tanfidziyah Board Executive Board of Nahdlatul Wathan (PBNW), Dr TGH M Zainul Majdi.

This activity has been designed into five separate sessions, with each material adapted to the needs of new ITS 2021 students. Besides being held online through the Zoom Meeting platform, this PSB activity also presents a virtual ITS Expo, which contains information related to campuses, faculties, and departments, to the whole series of new student admissions activities in more detail. (HUMAS ITS)

Reporter: Fauzan Fakhrizal Azmi

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