RI Minister of Social Affairs Dr (HC) Ir Tri Rismaharini MT (second from right) accompanied by a team of ship designers from ITS during an interview with the media crew at the ITS Rectorate Building.
ITS Campus, ITS News – The unequal distribution of development, transportation, and the prosperity of the people in Indonesia, especially the eastern region such as Papua, is a separate issue that deserves attention. Departing from this, the Minister of Social Affairs (Mensos) RI Dr (HC) Ir Tri Rismaharini MT visited the Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) campus, Monday (9/8) to conduct related discussions.
Located in the ITS Rectorate Building, the former Mayor of Surabaya revealed that the state of development to transportation in the Papua region, especially in mountainous areas, was very unsatisfactory. Many people complain that it is difficult to carry out work and daily activities. “From there, there are many things that must be improved and reviewed to overcome them,” she explained.
Finally, the Papuan people expressed their desire for assistance with river and land transportation which has been the traffic lane for most of the local community. It is known if by land, the community will take up to three days of travel time, and this is a particular concern of the government.
According to the minister, who is familiarly called Risma, ITS as a technology-based campus is believed to overcome these problems. Because based on existing experience, ITS is a campus that has often contributed to industrial and engineering technology innovations, especially in the maritime field. “I really trust ITS in preparing development plans in the maritime sector, especially those targeted are unmanned ships,” she said confidently.
Furthermore, according to Risma, ITS will collaborate with the University of Cendrawasih (Uncen) Papua. Risma said that the Papuan people were already adept at making boats. The collaboration of the two universities will produce reliable ships and become the mainstay of transportation for the Papuan people. “Later on, Uncen will prepare resources, both materials and workforce. Meanwhile, ITS will prepare shipping experts to exchange ideas in preparing ships for the community,” she continued.
RI Minister of Social Affairs Dr (HC) Ir Tri Rismaharini MT accompanied by a team of ship designers from ITS while talking with ITS Vice-Chancellor IV Bambang Pramujati ST MSc Eng Ph.D. at the ITS Rectorate Building.
In addition, Risma added, the Ministry of Social’s (Kemensos) plan will prepare water transportation and land in the form of an electric motorcycle that ITS, namely GESITS, has made. Even later, not only motorcycles but ITS will also build a refueling station using solar cell technology.
The Minister of Social Affairs hopes that the results of the collaboration can be completed quickly, so that on August 17th, it can be launched immediately. Later, the work program between the Ministry of Social Affairs, ITS, and Uncen will not stop at shipbuilding but will also be accompanied by training for the community to make boats for river transportation. “I believe ITS can do this innovation quickly. I want this joint work to be officially exhibited on the upcoming Indonesian Independence Day,” he said.
In response to this, ITS Vice-Chancellor IV for Innovation, Cooperation, and Alumni, Bambang Pramujati ST MSc Eng Ph.D. welcomed the Minister of Social’s wish. He said that ITS and Uncen were ready to work together in shipbuilding and the procurement of GESITS motors.
Bambang added that in the future, the ships designed will be optimized for the transportation of goods so that the distribution of goods to the public can be faster and more efficient. About GESITS, ITS is also ready to prepare an electric motorcycle that has been modified for land transportation whose terrain is indeed challenging.
ITS Vice-Chancellor IV Bambang Pramujati ST MSc Eng Ph.D. (bertoga) shows two ITS GESITS electric motors
“From this beginning, ITS is ready to commit and God willing, it can be as Bu Mensos wants (Tri Rismaharini, ed), where the ship can be completed on August 17,” said the ITS Mechanical Engineering lecturer optimistically. (ITS Public Relation)
Reporter: Fauzan Fakhrizal Azmi
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