ITS Campus, ITS News – The use of diesel engines in animal husbandry, which is very common, turns out to provide its problems from environmental aspects and engine performance. Seeing this problem, the Community Service (Abmas) Real Work Lecture team (Abmas) of the Energy Conversion Laboratory, Department of Electrical Engineering, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh November (ITS) developed a lawnmower with electric power and an on-grid photovoltaic system.
Engaged in energy conversion, the ITS KKN Abmas Team wants to introduce new and renewable energy (EBT) in everyday life to the community and switch from fuel oil to electricity. “The installation of on-grid photovoltaic and the development of electric energy lawn mowers is one way to achieve this goal,” said Fredy Riko Alamsyah, representative of the Abmas KKN Team of the Energy Conversion Laboratory of the ITS Electrical Engineering Department.
In line with this, the student, who is often called Riko, explained that the lawnmowers on the market still use diesel as an energy source that produces carbon dioxide emissions. Fuel oil in the form of diesel is also a non-renewable material. Finally, an electric lawnmower was developed, which is a modification of a commercial lawnmower.
Not only modifying the energy source, but the team led by Heri Suryoatmojo ST MT Ph.D. also added a lawnmower to the engine. This is done to improve the quality of grass that will be used as cattle feed. “Especially for dairy cows, the grass given must be finely chopped,” added the 2018 student.
To meet the livestock’s electricity needs, Riko and his team installed an on-grid photovoltaic system on farms in Karangploso District, Malang Regency, which is the location of the activity. On-grid means that the voltage generated by the solar panel is converted into AC voltage, then connected to the PLN grid. In addition, the ITS team also added a limiter sensor to the system. “So that it can prevent the voltage from entering the PLN meter,” said the student from Jember.
After a three-month process, in early August, a unit of a lawnmower and three parallel solar panels were officially given to the farm in Karangploso. After being used, the breeder admits that the chopped grass is better and smoother than the machines on the market. With solar panels, farmers don’t have to worry about electricity bills. “This solar panel can also be used for other purposes on the farm,” added Riko.
Not only that, the team consisting of five lecturers and ten students of the ITS Electrical Engineering Department has also provided socialization and education to farmers regarding the standard operating procedure (SOP) for the use and maintenance of lawnmowers and solar panels systems. (ITS Public Relation)
Reporter: Muhammad Miftah Fakhrizal
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