ITS News

Wednesday, January 22, 2025
September 02, 2021 17:09

YMI Distributes Scholarships for ITS Civitas Families Affected by Covid-19

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Ir Triyatno (kiri) dan Prof Dr Ir Triyogi Yuwono DEA (dua dari kiri) menyerahkan bantuan simbolis kepada Wakil Rektor IV ITS Bambang Pramujati ST MScEng PhD (berompi) mewakili Satgas Covid-19 ITS

Ir Triyatno (left) and Prof. Dr. Ir Triyogi Yuwono DEA (second from left) handed over symbolic assistance to ITS Vice-Chancellor IV Bambang Pramujati ST MScEng Ph.D. (vest) representing the ITS Covid-19 Task Force.

Kampus ITS, ITS News – The Covid-19 pandemic cannot be denied taken many lives, including several lecturers and education staff (tendik) of the Institut Teknologi Sepuluh November (ITS). This is why the ITS Manarul Ilmi Foundation (YMI) and ITS Cares help the ITS Academic Civitas families affected by Covid-19 by distributing assistance in the form of scholarships, Thursday (2/9).

The symbolic handover which took place at the ITS Rectorate was attended by the Chairman of the ITS Manarul Ilmi Foundation (YMI) Ir Triyatno, the Chairman of the ITS Manarul Ilmi Foundation (YMI) Board of Trustees Prof. Dr. Ir Triyogi Yuwono DEA, ITS Chancellor Prof. Dr. Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng. The leadership ranks other ITS and the families of the ITS academic community as scholarship recipients.

Rektor ITS Prof Dr Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng memberikan sambutan dalam acara penyerahan beasiswa bagi keluarga sivitas akademika ITS yang terdampak Covid-19

ITS Chancellor Prof. Dr. Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng gave a speech at the awarding of scholarships for the families of ITS academics affected by Covid-19

According to Triyatno, there were 32 scholarship recipients from Elementary School (SD), Junior High School (SMP), High School (SMA), and Higher Education. Scholarships in the form of education funds will be given every month for six months. “Hopefully, with this educational fund scholarship, it can help the families of the ITS academic community who were left behind due to the Covid-19 pandemic,” he hoped.

In addition to scholarships, YMI ITS has also distributed assistance in the form of six units of Oxygen Concentrator and three oxygen cylinders to the ITS Medical Center. “In the future, YMI ITS is ready to cooperate with ITS in assisting the ITS academic community and the surrounding community,” said Triyatno.

On the same occasion, the ITS Chancellor, who is often called Ashari, expressed his gratitude for distributing this education fund scholarship. He said this ITS Peduli scholarship could be felt thanks to the Endowment Fund or the ITS Servant Fund that started in 2019. “Hopefully, this collaboration between ITS and YMI ITS can be expanded again and can continue to provide benefits to families affected by Covid-19,” he said.

Sambutan Ketua Yayasan Manarul Ilmi (YMI) ITS Ir Triyatno dalam acara penyaluran beasiswa bagi keluarga sivitas akademika ITS terdampak Covid-19

Message from the Chairman of the ITS Manarul Ilmi Foundation (YMI) Ir Triyatno in the distribution of scholarships for the families of ITS academics affected by Covid-19

On the other hand, one of the scholarship recipients, Tsabita Karlina Hidayati, a student of the ITS Architecture Department who has lost both of her parents, also gave the impression of her message. “I express my deepest gratitude to YMI ITS and also ITS who have assisted my family since we were in the hospital until now,” said the daughter of the late Sholihin ST MT, this ITS Marine Engineering Department lecturer.

Foto bersama pengurus Yayasan Manarul Ilmi (YMI) ITS, jajaran pimpinan ITS, serta para penerima bantuan beasiswa

Photo with the management of the ITS Manarul Ilmi Foundation (YMI), ITS leadership ranks, and scholarship recipients

At the end of the event, YMI ITS also handed over assistance in Independent Isolation (Isoman) Dhuafa support, six oxygen cylinders, and one hundred medicine packages to the ITS Covid-19 Task Force (Satgas), which were then distributed to the ITS Medical Center. “We thank YMI ITS, who always contribute to ITS and the surrounding community,” concluded Ashari. (ITS Public Relation)

Reporter: Tyara Novia Andhin

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