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September 08, 2021 14:09

Through Sanggar Edukasi, ITS Students Help Minimize Wrong Departments

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Salah satu anggota tim mahasiswa ITS, Ibnu Majid, menunjukkan platform Sanggar Edukasi

One member of the ITS student team, Ibnu Majid, shows the Sanggar Edukasi platform.

ITS Campus, ITS News – The number of students who often take the wrong major makes them feel pressured while undergoing lectures. To minimize this, five students of Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) created an educational platform that was considered to help Indonesian students complete their education.

The five are Muhammad Abdul Rozzaq Khaidhor (Physics, 2017), Ibnu Majid (Electrical Automation Engineering, 2017), Taufiqurrahman Hafiidh Datau (Physics, 2019), Fajrur Rido Ataubakumarwa (Industrial Engineering and Systems, 2017), and Annisa Indah Maharani (Physics, 2018). together in a team, the five of them created a learning platform called Sanggar Edukasi, intended for working students in Indonesia, especially those who will continue their studies.

Kelima anggota tim mahasiswa ITS dari Sanggar Edukasi

The five members of the ITS student team from Sanggar Edukasi

Team leader Muhammad Abdul Rozzaq Khaidhor said that it all started with team members on common problems. As many as 87 percent of students in Indonesia feel they are in the wrong major, and most feel lazy to study. “This happens because students have not found the reason why they took the major and why they should learn about it,” he explained.

According to Rozzaq, his nickname, in their decisions, they should already know the general picture of the life they want. This allows them to learn and make decisions following the big goals in their lives. Thus, they will have a never-ending passion for achieving extraordinary goals in life. “This Sanggar Edukasi is expected to be able to help students in solving these problems,” he said.

This alumnus of MAN Nglawak, Kertosono, said that in helping students, Sanggar Edukasi often provided various information. Other things include information about the National Selection for State University Entrance (SNMPTN), Joint Selection for State University Entrance (SBMPTN), lectures, and many more. “Once in a while, we also hold talk sessions with great resource persons to share tips and tricks to pass the dream campus,” he explained.

Tampilan dari Sanggar Edukasi, platform belajar rancangan tim mahasiswa ITS yang lolos pendanaan KBMI

The display of the Sanggar Edukasi, the learning platform designed by the ITS student team that passed the KBMI fee.

Formed on October 28, 2019, Sanggar Edukasi has several extraordinary strengths. Among them is being able to help several students in Indonesia determine their goals, especially in choosing State Universities (PTN). “After finding a goal, we also help them to stay focused on the original goal they have set,” he wrote.

Not only that, Rozzaq revealed that Sanggar Edukasi has also succeeded in obtaining income from the Indonesian Student Entrepreneurial Activities (KBMI) and became a tenant of the ITS Business Incubator. With this, Rozzaq and his team improved to improve Sanggar Edukasi’s system. One of them is the application process that will be developed again to help Indonesian students achieve their dreams.

Rozzaq added that what was even happier was when the team received news that the students they were mentoring had successfully passed to their dream PTN. From here, he and his team felt that the initial goals they had made had been achieved. “But we don’t want to be complacent; we will always try to improve and develop this platform,” said the 2017 student.

This brown-skinned student said that in his journey, of course, there were many ups and downs that the team went through. In the initiation process, Sanggar Edukasi has made a team change which causes income to decrease even though the costs incurred remain the same. “Therefore, we have to find a way to cover the costs by becoming a freelancer to build a website,” he said.

Rozzaq hopes that Sanggar Edukasi will soon have an application to accompany students to achieve their dreams and goals in life. Not only that, but I also hope that with this platform, there will no longer be the word wrong significant and lazy to study for the younger generation of Indonesia. “I also hope that Sanggar Edukasi can provide jobs for the people of Indonesia,” he said hopefully. (ITS Public Relation/far)

Reporter: Nadila Wulan Cahyani

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