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September 15, 2021 21:09

Launches Incubits, ITS-UNICEF-Ministry of PUPR helps solve water and sanitation problems

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Minister of PUPR Dr Ir M Basuki Hadimuljono MSc giving an opening speech for the virtual launch of Incubits

Minister of PUPR Dr. Ir M Basuki Hadimuljono MSc giving an opening speech for the virtual launch of Incubits

ITS Campus, ITS News – Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) yet again started its newest innovative program to help the community. Under the name Incubits, this program is in cooperation with the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) and UNICEF which was launched online, Wednesday (15/9).

Moderated by Putri Indonesia Lingkungan 2020, Putu Ayu Saraswati, the launch of Incubits welcomed several vital elements such as the Minister of PUPR RI Dr. Ir M Basuki Hadimuljono MSc, Deputy Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy of the Republic of Indonesia Angela Herliani Tanoesoedibjo BA MCom, representatives of UNICEF Indonesia Maraita Listyasari ST MM, UNICEF representative Debora Comini, as well as several relevant stakeholders. Incubits is a platform focused on WASH ( Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene ) by gathering and connecting startups in Indonesia.

ITS Rector Prof. Dr. Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng said that Incubits was created to support the government, especially the Ministry of PUPR, to provide access to clean water and healthy sanitation services as sustainable development.

ITS Rector Prof Dr Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng giving a speech at the virtual launch of Incubits

ITS Rector Prof Dr. Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng giving a speech at the virtual launch of Incubits

According to Ashari, this program is held since plenty of Indonesian communities don’t have access to clean water and healthy sanitation in their environment. “In addition, through this platform, we also want to invite Indonesian startups and youth to take part in it,” he said.

Corresponding to the statement before, the Minister of PUPR, Dr. Ir M Basuki Hadimuljono MSc, said that the availability of access to drinking water and proper sanitation for the community is still facing various crucial challenges. Among them are aspects such as urbanization, climate change, and the nonoptimal commitment of stakeholders. “This has resulted in many Indonesians with no access to clean water and healthy sanitation,” he said.

In addition, Basuki added that the Covid-19 pandemic, which has continued for more than 1.5 years, has become another obstacle. The Covid-19 pandemic is acknowledged to have a significant impact on increasing consumption of clean water for the implementation of health protocols in daily community activities. “Thus, this makes the Indonesian Government make a strong commitment to encourage the realization of the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) number 6,” he added.

Representative from UNICEF Debora Comini also gave her speech

A representative from UNICEF, Debora Comini, also gave her speech.

On the other hand, UNICEF representative Debora Comini revealed that 50 percent of all schools in Indonesia do not have access to sanitation, 60 percent do not have toilets, and 22 percent do not have access to basic water services. She also sees that there is still inequality in access to water and sanitation between urban and rural areas. “Indonesia must continue to strive in overcoming this fact,” she reminded.

Debora added that UNICEF has a responsibility to ensure that every child grows up in a healthy environment. Clean water and healthy sanitation are the rights of every child, while poor WASH can hinder children’s access to education. “UNICEF gives full support to Incubits because this program has a high potential in improving WASH services,” she said.

The Rector of ITS together with the Minister of PUPR, representatives from UNICEF, and representatives of BRIN during the official launch of Incubits held virtually

The Rector of ITS, together with the Minister of PUPR, representatives from UNICEF, and representatives of BRIN during the official launch of Incubits held virtually.

The head of the Incubits program, Dr. Ir I Ketut Gunarta MT, said that turning ideas into solutions would require partnerships. This makes him want to encourage the younger generation to work together and find local solutions with global standards. “Students, alumni from universities, Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), and other organizations that have ideas and are engaged in water and sanitation can apply (this program),” he explained.

At the end of the event, the Director-General of Human Settlements, Ministry of PUPR, Ir Diana Kusumastuti MT, conveyed some of her hopes. This program is expected to be a breakthrough for developing innovation and opening up opportunities for stakeholders. “Not only that, but of course, I also hope that Incubits can accelerate the increase in the provision of safe, clean water and sanitation services,” she concluded hopefully. (nadh/ITS Public Relations)

 Inside the virtual launch of Incubits by the Minister of PUPR Dr Ir M Basuki Hadimuljono MSc

Inside the virtual launch of Incubits by the Minister of PUPR Dr. Ir M Basuki Hadimuljono MSc

Reporter: Nadila Wulan Cahyani

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