ITS Campus, ITS News – Providing transportation services is one of the stages in the company supply chain. In practice, several companies that have entered into contracts with transportation service providers still require on-demand procurement to meet consumer demand. To overcome this, Lala Ayu Kantari examines the two procurement systems in preparing transportation services.
This Strata-3 (S3) graduate or Doctor of the Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) said that transportation service can be obtained through a contract system and an on-demand system. In the contract system, the present offer is not flexible but has a lower price. Meanwhile, the on-demand system offers flexibility, but with uncertain supply and supply prices. “The advantages and disadvantages of these two need to be researched to make the right combination,” she explained.
Lala said that the analysis she did on the combined system, showed that the company needed to manage a proportional amount of on-demand procurement because it affected the timeliness of delivery and costs. Companies also need to be more careful in making decisions when demand fluctuations increase. However, these difficulties can be overcome when transportation service providers can speed up service times, increase fleet availability, and consider suitable routes
Lala revealed that the research she did could help companies in providing transportation services. With all the uncertainties of demand, supply, and processes in the supply chain, this research is considered to be able to assist companies in determining strategies. “Because through the right strategy, a company can benefit from the provision of this transportation,” said the doctor from the Industrial and Systems Engineering Department.
Then admitted, the research she did had several advantages compared to the research that had existed. Her research can accommodate the complexities of supply chain networks. In addition, this research can also provide a reference in making a match between transportation service providers and shippers to satisfy all parties involved. “The other thing that distinguishes this research is that this research focuses more on transportation of goods such as trucks rather than passenger transportation such as Grab and Gojek,” she explained.
With guidance from Prof. Dr. Nyoman Pujawan and Dr. Niniet Indah Arvitrida, the research entitled A Study of Contract and On-Demand in Transportation Services Sourcing was able to deliver him to graduate from the doctoral program at a relatively young age, which is 25 years old. Not only that, but the research has also been presented at three international conferences and published in two international journals. “This journal is the result of the four-month International Publication Quality Improvement (PKPI) program with Prof. Per Hilletofth from Jönköping University,,” said the girl, who was born in 1996.
This graduate from the Masters to Doctoral Education Scholarship Program for Superior Graduates (PMDSU) from Malang had experienced several obstacles in his research. Lala admitted that she had difficulties in obtaining data such as fees because it was a secret for the company.
Not only that but other difficulties were also felt when he tried to replicate the real system into a simulation. This is because the model created must pass the verification and validation process to proceed to the experiment. “However, this did not discourage me from completing this research,” she explained.
Lala hopes that her research can continue to be developed and open up many new research ideas because she believes that along with the times, there will be many new businesses engaged in on-demand sourcing for the transportation of goods. “I also hope that this research can be a guide for companies in adapting to technological developments and market uncertainty,” she concluded hopefully. (ITS Public Relation)
Reporter: Nadila Wulan Cahyani
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