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October 14, 2021 18:10

The Proud Story of An ITS Graduate Who Continues In The Footsteps of His Late Father

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Nadhifa Laudza Shabrina yang berpose seperti potret masa kecilnya ketika memegang ijazah sang ayah saat berziarah ke makam usai diwisuda di ITS

Nadhifa Laudza Shabrina is like taking pictures of her childhood while holding her father’s diploma while on a pilgrimage to the tomb after graduating at ITS

ITS Campus, ITS News – A fascinating story came from one of Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) graduates at this 124th Graduation. It is Nadhifa Laudza Shabrina, a graduate who successfully graduated and graduated from ITS, in the footsteps of her father when she was a child.

This graduate, who is familiarly called Shabrina, shared her happy moment after graduating on social media while on a pilgrimage to her father’s grave some time ago. The post has also caught the public’s attention. “This photo is only to reminisce about the story of papa and me,” said the alumnus of the ITS Geophysical Engineering Department.

Even though she couldn’t believe it, Shabrina said she was grateful because many netizens also prayed for her father’s death on December 29, 2013, after uploading it on social media. “It’s nice to be able to leave a good footprint at ITS and touch the hearts of friends,” she added.

This girl from Surabaya shared that when she took a photo in October 2009 with her father, Eko Julianto Prihantoro ST MT, her parents believed that she would also own her ownership one day. “It was like an angel passing by; this statement came true even on the same campus as my father,” said Shabrina proudly.

Her choice to study at ITS was not solely because she wanted to follow in her father’s footsteps, a graduate of the Masters (S-2) program at the ITS Master of Technology Management (MMT). “Indeed, from the start, I was interested in the department of my choice, and I think it is the right place,” she wrote.

Nadhifa Laudza Shabrina (saat berusia 10 tahun) memegang ijazah almarhum ayahnya yang telah diwisuda di depan gedung Graha Sepuluh Nopember ITS pada Oktober 2009 silam

Nadhifa Laudza Shabrina (when she was ten years old) has a diploma that graduated in front of the Graha Sepuluh Nopember ITS building in October 2009.

Shabrina added that her lecture period at ITS, starting in 2017 until she graduated, did not escape ups and downs like students in general. She jumped from a challenging task to achieve grades that sometimes did not meet expectations. Luckily, she was able to complete her studies with the support of his family and a supportive environment. “Dare to start something without responsibility until the end,” she stressed.

The eldest of three siblings said that his determination to complete her undergraduate studies (S-1) was his desire to lighten the burden of his mother. She had been the breadwinner for the family for seven years. “Hopefully, this achievement can fill the proud space in Mama’s heart,” hoped the girl who was born in 1999.

The father’s role, who had spent 14 years, is no less critical. Shabrina always reminded her of memories that always said if her father could do it, she would also get through it. “Any father can complete education up to S-2, so I must also be able to complete this S-1 education,” said Shabrina confidently.

Foto Nadhifa Laudza Shabrina bersama almarhum ayahnya, Eko Julianto Prihantoro ST MT, saat Wisuda ke-99 ITS pada Oktober 2009 silam yang diunggah ayahnya di media sosial

Photo of Nadhifa Laudza Shabrina together stealing the attention, Eko Julianto Prihantoro ST MT ITS graduates, during the 99th ITS Graduation in October 2009, which his father uploaded on social media

Going deeper, Shabrina also shared a memorable message that still exists today, namely ‘Don’t stop learning. The motto that he always held was also successful in bringing him to the title of S-1. “Anything still under the sky can be studied if there is a will,” said the girl who now works for a private gas company in Surabaya.

Shabrina advised students who are struggling to complete their studies and are in the most challenging phase always to remember that their current achievement is something they have been trying to achieve. Shabrina does not believe that good initial intention will not lead to wrong choices. “Always give the best and be grateful,” she said encouragingly.

Shabrina expressed her gratitude for taking and completing her last education at ITS. In addition to the academic education he got to the maximum, the ITS environment was supportive and made him feel comfortable. “Being able to experience campus life at ITS is one of the greatest privileges in my life,” she concluded gratefully. (ITS Public Relation/far)

Reporter: Frecia Elrivia Mardianto

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