ITS News

Tuesday, January 14, 2025
October 15, 2021 18:10

19 Years Old Becomes the Youngest Graduate at ITS’s 124th Graduation

Oleh : Tim Website | | Source :
Jasmine Athifa Azzahra, the youngest undergraduate graduate, aged 19 years nine months at the ITS 124th Graduation from the ITS Industrial and System Engineering Department

Jasmine Athifa Azzahra, the youngest undergraduate graduate, aged 19 years nine months at the ITS 124th Graduation from the ITS Industrial and System Engineering Department

ITS Campus, ITS News – The graduation procession at the Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS) always presents impressive graduate stories. This time, Jasmine Athifa Azzahra, a graduate from the ITS Department of System and Industrial Engineering who successfully graduated at the age of 19 years and nine months with the title of being the youngest graduate in the ITS 124th Graduation procession, which lasted for four days, 2 – 3 October and 9 – October 10, 2021, ago.

Discussing her educational history, Jasmine started her education at Kindergarten (TK) at the age of 3.5 years. Then, at the age of 5.5 years, Jasmine began elementary school (SD) and became the youngest student compared to her classmates.

Jasmine continued her education to Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri (MTsN) 1 Malang through an acceleration program. Likewise, when he entered Madrasah Aliyah Negeri (MAN) 2 Malang, he took an acceleration program and graduated within two years. “Furthermore, I chose to continue to ITS Industrial and System Engineering and passed through the SBMPTN pathway,” said Jasmine, who entered college at the age of 15 in 2017.

Talking about her decision to choose the ITS System and Industrial Engineering Department, Jasmine said she was interested in studying systems and industrial science during school. “Then when I saw the ranking of each university for IT (System and Industrial Engineering, ed) ITS was at the top, I decided to take IT at ITS,” said the daughter of the couple Hanieful Athhar and Annisa Kesy Garside.

Jasmine Athifa Azzahra was flanked by her parents while taking pictures after following the ITS 124th Graduation procession.

Jasmine Athifa Azzahra was flanked by her parents while taking pictures after following the ITS 124th Graduation procession.

Asked about her motivation to continue her education to university at a young age, this girl, born on January 16, 2002, said her biggest reason is to make her parents happy and proud. “Initially, it was a fad to register for the Aksel (acceleration program, ed), but the parents turned out to be very supportive,” he said.

Being the youngest student compared to her college friends, Jasmine admitted that she faced many challenges. Apart from being more diligent and trying hard to balance himself with his friends, he also has challenges in socializing, namely the need to be more mature and independent.

Discussing the fields of science that are of interest to her department, Jasmine said that she was interested in optimization, statistics, and simulation science. “But my focus is more on optimization; I’m interested because the science is challenging, and its applications are in many industrial sectors,” he explained.

To develop his interest, he once joined as an Assistant to the Laboratory of Quantitative Modeling and Industrial Policy Analysis, better known as the QMIPA laboratory. “I was a secretary for one semester; besides that, I also helped lecturers in class to make practice questions, big assignment assistance, and tutors outside the classroom,” he explained.

Apart from being active in the field of science that she is interested in, Jasmine is also involved in several religious organizations. Exactly with her school background, she is very interested in organizations to develop herself, especially as a better Muslimah. “I was a staff member at JMMI (ITS Manarul Ilmi Mosque Congregation, ed) and Islamic organizations at TI,” I am the second of three children.

At the end of his studies, he carried the title of a Final Project (thesis), namely Optimization of LPG Distribution Route Using Variable Neighborhood Tabu Search Algorithm. In general, this final project examines distribution routes that have not yet been planned, which causes the company’s costs to be higher.

In this study, Jasmine offers a metaheuristic algorithm that can construct the shortest route for the distribution. The advantage, this algorithm is relatively fast compared to others. “The cost of the resulting route is also much smaller than the current situation when there was no planning,” explained the winner of the 3.53 Grade Point Average (GPA).

In the future, Jasmine wants to continue her dream to study at the master’s level and continue working in the field she is interested in, namely data science, focusing on industrial optimization. At the end of the interview, Jasmine advised ITS student friends to stay enthusiastic about studying online. “Hopefully, the lectures will continue smoothly and keep the spirit of learning; hopefully, the knowledge will be useful,” he concluded. (ITS Public Relation)

Reporter: Shinta Ulwiya

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