Help Increase Tourism, ITS Creates Virtual Planting System Videos
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A virtual video poster of the AMKE herbal cultivation system designed by the ITS KKN Abmas Team to help increase tourist attraction
ITS Campus, ITS News –The condition of the tourism sector in the current pandemic era continues to decline due to the number of tourist visits that have decreased significantly, along with adjustments to government policies to limit activities outside the home. So, The Team of Real Work Lectures and Community Service (KKN Abmas) Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) launched a video planting system to increase tourist attraction.
Hertiari Idajati ST MSc, the leader of the Abmas KKN team, revealed that the activity aims at tourist attractions in the Educational Conservation Model Area (AMKE) Oro-Oro Ombo Village, Batu District, Batu City. AMKE is one of the educational tourism facilities in Batu City that presents the preservation of the natural environment as its focus.
After seeing the potential of AMKE in the processing and utilization of herbal plants, the lecturer familiarly called Ida, and the team tried to maximize it through innovative tourist attraction products in the form of virtual videos. “We do this considering that during the current pandemic, we require to have high immunity which can obtain through herbal plants,” explained the ITS Regional and City Planning Department (PWK) lecturer.
Virtual video footage of herbal planting of AMKE products by the ITS KKN Abmas Team to help increase tourist attraction
According to Ida, this activity resulted in three videos. The first video contains an introduction to AMKE as edutourism. The second and third videos contain an introduction to AMKE’s superior plants, namely red ginger and red lemongrass, packaged in a combination of fun illustrations and language that is easy for all people to understand.
The two videos contain the stages of herbal plant management which consist of seed selection, seeding process, growth process, to harvesting. “Moreover, the virtual video created will present building elements to attract public interest in getting to know herbal plants, both in terms of types and benefits,” said Ida.
A video clip by the ITS Abmas KKN team explaining the benefits of herbal plants for AMKE products
On the other hand, Dr. Dian Saptarini MSc, another member of the ITS lecturer, added that the video also shows examples of the health benefits obtained. “This includes information on preventable diseases, information on their origins, and explanations on how to harvest red ginger and lemongrass,” said Dian.
The video of the herbal planting system will be uploaded on the AMKE official website to make it easier for the public to access it. This can help potential tourists who want to visit AMKE without the need to leave the house. It follows the rules that apply during the pandemic. “With this virtual-based activity, we believe that the attractiveness of AMKE can be enjoyed by tourists from various regions in Indonesia,” said Ida.
For Ida and the team, this video innovation was made to utilize existing technology effectively and modernly. Because according to him, by watching virtual videos, tourists can get an educational experience as well as a unique and different tour. “Thus, prospective tourists can carefully plan their tourist destinations while traveling in AMKE,” added Ida.
Previously, the activity, which was a continuation of last year’s KKN Abmas, started with a field survey to identify land suitability for herbal plants. Then, the preparation of a virtual video of herbal cultivation was carried out as an alternative to adding tourist attractions.
Survey activities in the field to identify land suitability of AMKE herbal plants
The activity which lasted for six months since last May was responded to positively by AMKE. According to the lecturer who earned a bachelor’s degree at the ITS Architecture Department, AMKE did not stop giving appreciation to the six lecturers and 13 students who were involved in these activities. “This activity is very useful and relevant for people who want to continue learning about the cultivation of plants typical of the archipelago,” he added.
Although it was hampered by the Implementation of Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) some time ago, the ITS team finally can complete this video. In the future, Ida hopes that this video can be useful and provide an alternative edutourism attraction in AMKE. “In addition, because this video can be watched for all ages, we hope that they can learn and travel at AMKE with a different experience,” he concluded. (ITS PR)
Video footage of lemongrass planting in AMKE herbal plantations that are shown to attract tourists