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October 26, 2021 18:10

ITS Maintains Informative Predicate in 2021 Public Information Openness Award

Oleh : Tim Website | | Source : ITS Online
ITS Pertahankan Predikat Informatif dalam Keterbukaan Informasi Publik 2021

Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) has again achieved the Informative title for the State Higher Education category in the 2021 Public Information Openness Award.

ITS Campus, ITS News – Public Information Disclosure is one of the main aspects of transparency in a democratic country. As a form of appreciation for the efforts and commitments related to this, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) received the Informative title in the 2021 Public Information Openness Award as a State Higher Education Category Agency (PTN) organized by the Central Information Commission (KPI), Tuesday (26 /10).

Attended directly by the Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia Prof. Dr. (HC) KH Ma’ruf Amin, this annual awarding procession was held online. The Informative Predicate, which is the highest-ranking predicate, was able to be maintained by ITS which also has received the same predicate at last year’s event.

In 2021, ITS managed to maintain this Informative predicate with a Public Information Openness Index (IKIP) of 95.68. This value is higher than the national average of 71.37. “We are proud and very grateful for the achievements we have obtained for two consecutive years,” said Dr. Umi Laili Yuhana SKom MSc, Secretary of the Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (Sekits).

ITS Pertahankan Predikat Informatif dalam Keterbukaan Informasi Publik 2021

Vice President of Indonesia, Prof Dr (HC) KH Ma’ruf Amin while giving a speech at the 2021 Public Information Openness Award virtually.

There are five predicates in the category of public bodies in this award. Named as Not Informative, Less Informative, Quite Informative, Towards Informative, and Informative. “Informative predicate is the highest predicate in this award,” he added.

Furthermore, in line with the bureaucratic reform roadmap and Decree (SK) on public service standards set in 2021, ITS applies values in its public services which are the Ethics of Integrity, Creativity and Innovation, Excellence, and Synergy. “From these values, ITS gave birth to service innovations in the form of the myITS platform that can be accessed by the academic community,” he explained.

Through myITS, ITS academics can access all available services in one platform. In addition, myITS is also an Integrated Service Center that provides online services. “This platform can be accessed anytime and anywhere without having to come to campus,” added the lecturer at the Department of Informatics Engineering.

ITS Pertahankan Predikat Informatif dalam Keterbukaan Informasi Publik 2021

The Chairman of the Central Information Commission (KPI) Gede Narayana when giving a virtual speech at the 2021 Public Information Openness Award event.

Moreover, ITS also issued the Whatsapp Information Management and Documentation Official (PPID) feature as a substitute for offline services where service users can have direct conversations with PPID officers without having to come to ITS.

The lecturer, who familiarly is called Yuhana, continued that the Informative title is interpreted as an obligation for ITS to always prioritize information disclosure within ITS and keep our information services to the community optimal. “In maintaining this title, we will always improve the quality of service to the community and the ITS academic community,” he explained.

Improving the quality of this service will be achieved through several things. It can be achieved through various technological innovations that continue to be improved in providing convenience for the public in accessing information about ITS. Later, conduct a satisfaction survey to maintain community satisfaction and increase the speed of service to meet the information needs desired by the community and the ITS academic community.

ITS Pertahankan Predikat Informatif dalam Keterbukaan Informasi Publik 2021

Vice President of Indonesia, Prof. Dr. (HC) KH Ma’ruf Amin (left) who gave the virtual Informative Predicate award to ITS Chancellor Prof. Dr. Ir. Mochamad Ashari, MEng and his staff.

Gede Narayana as the Head of KPI in his speech said that the current public information disclosure in Indonesia has led to improvements in the management and service of public information as the aim of public information disclosure. “Hopefully in the future, the implementation of public information disclosure can be of higher quality and beneficial for the nation and state,” he said, full of hope.

Meanwhile, Vice President Ma’ruf Amin, who was present, handed over the award virtually and expressed his appreciation to all public bodies that have obtained qualifications as informative public bodies. “This award is an excellent opportunity for public bodies to continue to accelerate their best efforts regarding information disclosure through various innovations,” he concluded. (NL/ITS PR)

Reporter: Faadhillah Syhab Azzahra

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