ITS Campus, ITS News –In the development of the digital world, especially in Indonesia, the condition of financial technology (fintech) has developed very rapidly. To respond to these conditions, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS), together with the Indonesian Financial Services Authority (OJK), socialized the Digital Financial Literacy (DFL) program, which was held in a hybrid (offline and online) manner, Tuesday (26/10).
With the theme How to be Financial Literate: an Eye-Opener for New Generation, this event invites all ITS academics, especially students, to increase literacy in digital finance. This is intended to be a pioneer and an extension of the OJK’s (agent) in providing digital financial literacy to the surrounding community.
According to the Head of the OJK Regional IV Office for the East Java Region, Bambang Mukti Riyadi, the growth of fintech has become a daily necessity because it has penetrated all lines of society. Various financial transactions have been carried out digitally or cashless, shopping for everyday needs at the market, transportation tools, and educational needs.
It was stated that fintech could be one of the solutions to accelerate the digitization of the financial services sector to accelerate the national economic recovery program after the Covid-19 pandemic. “However, in the process of adopting these fintech services, there are still big challenges, especially regarding the literacy level of digital financial services in the Indonesian people,” he explained.
Bambang explained the misalignment between the massive development of digital financial services and the low level of public literacy, which would harm economic growth in Indonesia. “For example, the case of fraudulent investment practices or what we usually call the Ponzi Scheme,” he explained in detail.
Agreeing with Bambang’s words, Deputy Commissioner of the OJK Institute and Digital Finance Imansyah explained that OJK had played an active role in increasing digital financial literacy and financial literacy cases from an early age. “One of them is by launching this DFL program,” he explained.
Furthermore, he said, this DFL program is one of the initiatives carried out by OJK aimed at providing education related to digital financial services and packaged interactively, attractively, and easily understood in the form of books, e-books, animated videos, and games with the main target being the millennial generation who have the potential to be the most significant users of digital financial services.
Imansyah expressed his appreciation and gratitude to ITS for being willing to work with OJK to realize the OJK program to provide an understanding of digital finance. “ITS is indeed very extraordinary in various social fields, especially DFL is already technology-based,” he said proudly.
Ending this DFL socialization, he hopes that all ITS students and academics can understand more deeply the risks inherent in the use of Digital Financial Innovations (IKD) and other financial services, as well as ways to mitigate them so that it can make people more careful and wise in using digital services.
Several leaders from ITS and OJK also attended the DFL socialization event. ITS Rector Prof. Dr. Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng, Director of the OJK Digital Financial Innovation Group Dino Milano Siregar, Advisor of the OJK Digital Financial Innovation Group Widyo Gunadi, several other officials, and well-known influencer Reza Pahlevi. (ITS Public Relation)
Reporter: Fauzan Fakhrizal Azmi
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