Prof. Drs. Ec. Ir. Riyanarto Sarno M.Sc Ph.D., ITS professor who achieves Top 2% Scientist in The World in 2021
ITS Campus, ITS News – Another honorable achievement was obtained by the academic community of the Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS). A professor from ITS, Prof. Drs. Ec. Ir. Riyanarto Sarno M.Sc Ph.D., managed to maintain his title again as the Top 2% Scientist in the World: Single Year Impact 2020-2021 which was just released by Stanford University and the Elsevier Report, recently.
Just like in 2020, this ranking was conducted by three researchers from Stanford University. They are Prof. John Ioannidis, Jeroen Baas, and Kevin Boyack through their scientific publication entitled Data for Updated Science-Wide Author Databases of Standardized Citation Indicators. The ranking is based on the c-score, the number of publication citations that do not include self-citations.
Based on the ranking, the professor from the Department of Informatics, Faculty of Electrical and Intelligent Information Technology (FTEIC) ITS is listed as two percent or 100,000 researchers over millions of researchers worldwide through a c-score index is 432 citations per August 2020 to August 2021.
The man familiarly called Riyan revealed that the c-score index was collected through 294 journals and paper conferences that he published in his work as a researcher and educator starting in 1989. “As for the range from 2020 to 2021, the total publications I did were 77 publications. Consists of journal articles and conference papers,” he said
Prof. Drs. Ec. Ir. Riyanarto Sarno M.Sc Ph.D., ITS professor who achieves Top 2% Scientist in The World in 2021
The focus of the research conducted by the Head of the Information Intelligent Management Laboratory, Department of Informatics Engineering ITS is on Artificial Intelligence (AI) & Image Processing for medical. One of the latest researches is the i-nose c-19, the tool to detect the Covid-19 virus and mix-reality brain tissue to help locate the network in brain surgery operations.
Prof. Drs. Ec. Ir. Riyanarto Sarno M.Sc Ph.D., (right) when explaining the results of his research, i- nose c-19, to the Indonesian Minister of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology, Nadiem Anwar Makarim
This University of New Brunswick Canada graduate said that his primary motivation in making publications is to create technology beneficial to Indonesia. “Research results are not limited to publications; I also use that knowledge as import substitution products, for example, the recent Electronic Nose,” he explained.
In addition, Riyan also revealed the importance of collaboration as the key to success in publishing journals and scientific articles. “Besides collaborating with undergraduate and doctoral students, I also collaborate with researchers from various countries such as Japan, Canada, Taiwan, and the Netherlands,” added the lecturer born in 1959.
Being one of the Indonesian researchers who contributed significantly to the country, the man who served as the Dean of Faculty of Information Technology ITS for the 2006-2010 period felt very grateful. Although, according to him, if observed from the publications, the number of Indonesian researchers is still quite far compared to researchers from other countries.
Prof. Drs. Ec. Ir. Riyanarto Sarno M.Sc Ph.D., (left) with his research team on the mix-reality of brain tissue to help locate tissue in brain surgery operations
Therefore, Riyan also hopes that this achievement can motivate other fellow academics to continue working and globally bring Indonesia’s good name. “Hopefully, it can be added impulse for fellow lecturers, especially at ITS and throughout Indonesia, to catch up and move forward,” he said hopefully. (mfi/ITS Public Relations)
Reporter: Raisa Zahra Fadila
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