ITS Campus, ITS News – Textile industry waste is still one of the urgent problems in Indonesia today. In response to this, the Go Go Haf Team from Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) succeeded in creating a prototype called Bhusana to facilitate the distribution and recycling of clothes.
The Go Go Haf team consists of students from various departments at ITS, namely Fitria Urbach and Aprilia Susanti from the Mathematics Department and Fairuz Hasna Rofifah from the Informatics Engineering Department. In addition, the Go Go Haf team was guided by one of the ITS supervisors from the Department of Informatics, namely Hadziq Fabroyir SKom Ph.D.
Fitria Urbach, Team Leader of Go Go Haf, said that their goal in creating Bhusana was to simplify and improve efficiency and transparency in the distribution of recycled clothing. “The sustainable fashion movement through the clothing recycling process can be implemented properly if the government is involved in it,” she said.
According to the Go Go Haf Team’s explanation, users must carry three processes, namely the collection process, the retrieval process, and the sorting process. The collection process is where clothing donors take photos of the clothes to be donated. Then, Bhusana will recognize the clothes with three types of classification: clothes that are suitable for wear, clothes that are not suitable for minor damage, and clothes that are not suitable for significant damage.
After going through the process, Bhusana will print a Quick Response (QR) Code for the identity of the clothes, and Bhusana will automatically open the lid of the box. After that, the donor is expected to put the clothes into a box, and later the donor will get a coupon which can later be exchanged for groceries. “Furthermore, the clothing data that has been collected in the Bhusana box will be sent to the cloud service database,” she explained.
Furthermore, according to Fitria, the pick-up process is the delivery of a truck whose job is to pick up any clothes that have been stored in Bhusana boxes scattered in the village. Then, the car will go to the clothes recycling bank. “Clothing will be sorted between appropriate and unfit for use at the bank with the help of a QR Code,” she said.
The sorting process is carried out by the officers making decisions regarding the distribution of the used clothes. Fitria explained, there are three choices of destinations. Namely, clothes that are not fit for use with minor damage will be distributed to Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) as production materials. Then, clothes that are not fit for use with significant damage will be sent to a textile waste recycling factory, and clothes fit for use must go through the outfit matching stage first.
In making this prototype, the ITS Mathematics Department student said that there was another assistance from other departments. The students were Riko from Electrical Engineering and Zahra from Informatics Engineering. Then, Fitria added that the Go Go Haf team would develop existing features and include Bhusana in other competitions in the future. Because of this struggle, the Go Go Haf Team won a silver medal in the Smart City category at Gemastik XIV last year.
Fitria also hopes that ITS students will continue to struggle to make ITS achievements. “Don’t make your shortcomings an obstacle, don’t hesitate to take part in competitions, and don’t be afraid to collaborate with other departments,” she concluded hopefully. (ITS Public Relation/far)
Reporter: ion8/ Faadhillah Syhab Azzahra
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