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November 09, 2021 17:11

Private: ITS Maintains Existence in THE WUR by Subjects 2022

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ITS bertahan pada pemeringkatan dunia THE WUR by Subjects 2022 dengan tiga subjek

ITS holds on to the world ranking of THE WUR by Subjects 2022 with three subjects

ITS Campus, ITS News – Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) has again maintained its position in entering the world rankings of the Times Higher Education (THE) World University Rankings (WUR) by Subjects 2022. The scale of qualified subjects in Engineering, Computer Science, and Physical Sciences has been achieved thanks to the collaborative efforts of each department coupled with the synergy of all ITS academics.

As is known, THE is one of the institutions that provide data on university performance in the international realm. This institution does not only work alone but in collaboration with Quacquarelli Symonds (QS). It can be concluded that THE is one of the institutions highly trusted by most universities and institutes around the world.

Peringkat ITS pada pemeringkatan dunia THE WUR 2022 by Subject Computer Science

ITS ranking in THE WUR 2022 world ranking by Subject Computer Science

Senior Manager for World Class University Affairs ITS Rulli Pratiwi Setiawan ST MSc Ph.D. said there are still five assessment criteria set by WUR 2022. “There are five criteria, namely Research (Research), Teaching (Teaching), Citation (Citation), International Outlook ( International View), and Industry Income (Industrial Income),” said Rulli in detail.

In THE WUR 2022, Rulli said three subjects at ITS had entered the world rankings. The subject is Engineering, ranked 801-1000 in the world with a total score of 18.22. The teaching criteria were 17.0; the Research criteria got a score of 12.30; Citation criteria got a score of 13.5; International Outlook criteria scored 38.1, and the Industry Income criteria scored 57.1.

The next subject, Physical Sciences, was ranked 801-1000 globally with 17.89. The Teaching criteria got a score of 12.8; the Research criteria got a score of 13.2; the Citation criteria got 19.4; the International Outlook criteria got a score of 32.8; and the Industry Income criteria scored 59.6.

Peringkat ITS pada pemeringkatan dunia THE WUR 2022 by Subject Engineering

ITS ranking in THE WUR 2022 world ranking by Subject Physical Science

The ITS Urban and Regional Planning Department lecturer added details of the Computer Science subject, ranking 601-800 globally with a total score of 19.5. The teaching criteria were 11.5; the Research criteria got a score of 13.2; the Citation criteria got a score of 28.6; the International Outlook criteria scored 27.7; and the Industry Income criteria scored 43.0.

According to Rulli’s analysis, each criterion has its weight value. For Engineering and Computer Science, both have the same weight for each indicator: Teaching 30 percent, Research 30 percent, Citation 27.5 percent, International Outlook 27.5 percent, and Industry Income 5 percent. As for Physical Sciences are Teaching 27.5 percent, Research 27.5 percent, Citations 35 percent, International Outlook 7.5 percent, and Industry Income 2.5 percent.

Peringkat ITS pada pemeringkatan dunia THE WUR 2022 by Subject Physical Science

ITS ranking in THE WUR 2022 world ranking by Subject Engineering

Although currently, ITS has maintained its position in THE WUR by Subjects 2022, if viewed in detail, ITS has decreased in value, especially in the citation assessment indicator. This is very influential considering that the weight of the criteria currently reaches 27.5 percent in the field of Computer Sciences and Engineering and 35 percent in the area of Physical Sciences.

This doctoral alumnus of Hiroshima University, Japan, confirmed that there are still many citations from ITS students that have not been published. He argues that the way to increase the citation proportion value again is to increase collaboration between students and co-authors from overseas universities.

From the results that have been obtained by ITS, Rulli hopes to be able to improve the synergy of every department in ITS. “I also hope that there will be additional doctoral and undergraduate students. With this increase, we can increase the scores on the indicators for undergraduate and doctoral students,” he concluded hopefully. (ITS Public Relation/far)

Reporter: ion8/Muhammad Miftah Fakhrizal

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