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November 09, 2021 15:11

Sapuangin and RAISA Accompany Graduators at ITS’s 124th Graduation

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Robot RAISA turut beraksi mengantarkan ijazah milik wisudawan Farid Auzzin Ashari dari Departemen Teknik Kimia ITS

The RAISA robot took part in providing the certification belonging to graduate Farid Auzzin Ashari from the Department of Chemical Engineering ITS

ITS Campus, ITS News – Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) successfully held the fourth day of the 124th Graduation, Sunday (10/10). On this last day, the Sapuangin Team, which is one of the prided teams of ITS, was also enlivened by involving two energy-efficient vehicles and formula technology in the drive-thru graduation session in front of the ITS Rectorate Building.

Mobil yang membawa wisudawan program doktor Teknik Mesin ITS, Dr Ir Witantyo MEngSc, saat menuju depan Gedung Rektorat ITS dengan iringan mobil Tim Sapuangin ITS

The car carrying the ITS Mechanical Engineering doctoral program graduate, Dr. Ir Witantyo MEngSc, while heading to the front of the ITS Rectorate Building with the ITS Sapuangin Team car accompaniment

The two vehicles accompanied the graduates of Dr. Ir Witantyo MEngSc, graduates of the doctoral program from the Mechanical Engineering study program. Witantyo himself has been a lecturer at the ITS Mechanical Engineering Department and a coach from the ITS Sapuangin Team since 2009. This escort is shown as a form of gratitude for the guidance that Witantyo has given to the ITS Sapuangin Team.

In the procession of taking the diploma, Witantyo was paraded in two energy-efficient cars from the Sapuangin Team. First, the formula-type car driven by Muhammad Aqilla from the 2018 Mechanical Engineering Department and the opening vehicle for the drive-thru graduation session was followed by an urban-type car driven by Farich Danial from the Department of Engineering Physics class 2018.

Mobil Tim Sapuangin ITS berjenis urban yang turut mengiringi Dr Ir Witantyo MEngSc, wisudawan program doktor Teknik Mesin yang juga merupakan pembina tim

The ITS Sapuangin Team car was an urban-type that accompanied Dr. Ir Witantyo MEngSc, a Mechanical Engineering doctoral program graduate who was also the team builder.

The Sapuangin car and the RAISA Robot were also present to enliven the diploma handover procession on the last day. As an intelligent robot, RAISA is used to introduce the diploma of the son of ITS Chancellor Prof. Dr. Ir Mochammad Ashari MEng named Farid Auzzin Ashari. Farid is one of the graduates from the Chemical Engineering Department who graduated cum laude.

In his speech, Ashari said that the fourth day of the graduation ceremony was attended by 712 graduates from the Faculty of Industrial Technology and Systems Engineering (FTIRS). With details, namely ten graduates from the doctoral program (S3), 94 graduates from the master program (S2), and 608 graduates from the undergraduate program (S1).

Rektor ITS Prof dr Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng (kanan) saat dicium tangannya oleh wisudawan dari Departemen Teknik Kimia ITS, Farid Auzzin Ashari, yang juga putranya saat sesi penyerahan ijazah

ITS Chancellor Prof dr Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng (right) when kissed by a graduate from the ITS Chemical Engineering Department, Farid Auzzin Ashari, who is also his son, during the diploma handover session

Of these graduates, 238 graduates were recorded to have won the cum laude predicate. “A total of 197 of them came from the undergraduate program, 38 graduates from the master’s program, and three graduates from the doctoral program,” he said.

The best graduate award in the doctoral program was given to Agus Wibawa from the Mechanical Engineering Department with a 4.00 GPA in seven semesters of study. In the master’s program, there is Bagus Purnawira from the Materials and Metallurgical Engineering Department with a GPA of 4.00 and a study period of four semesters. Lastly, there is Rizaldo Rizky Himawansah from the Materials and Metallurgical Engineering Department. They became the best graduate in the undergraduate program with a GPA of 3.86 in seven semesters of study.

In addition to the best graduates, there are also awards for the oldest and youngest graduates. Witantyo himself was also named the oldest graduate on this last day who graduated at 58 years seven months. Meanwhile, the title of youngest graduate was given to Jasmine Athifa Azzahra from the undergraduate program of the Department of Industrial Engineering, who was 19 years nine months old when she graduated.

To all graduates, Ashari advised at the end of his speech not to give up in the face of future problems because this graduation moment is the first step in real life in society. Do not forget to use the competencies that have been obtained at ITS as well as possible. “Advance your country, raise your nation,” he reminded him. (ITS Public Relation/far)

Reporter: Dian Nizzah Fortuna

Redaktur: Najla Lailin Nikmah

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