Dr. Drs Mochamad Zainuri MSi (standing) while explaining to the students about how to make and work the tools and how to care for water filter media from coconut shells
ITS Campus, ITS News – The amount of coconut shell waste that is just wasted and has not been appropriately utilized can undoubtedly cause new environmental problems. Responding to this, a team from the Department of Physics, Faculty of Science and Data Analytics (FSAD) of the Institut Teknologi Sepuluh November (ITS) conducted a Real Work Lecture and Community Service (KKN Abmas) through the use of coconut shell charcoal as a water filtration medium as well as a learning medium.
According to Linda Silvia MSi, team leader, KKN Abmas, held at SMA A Wahid Hasyim Tebuireng, Jombang was also intended to apply physics lessons in everyday life to be more easily understood by students. In addition, teaching teachers have appropriate learning strategies so that students are interested in physics subjects.
The woman, who is often called Linda, revealed that the use of water filter media in coconut shell waste is due to the abundance of coconut shells in the Jombang area. Moreover, there are still some areas in the district that are vulnerable to clean water. “In its context, coconut shells are an effective medium to use as a water filter media,” he said.
Water filtration media scheme through the use of coconut shell charcoal initiated by the ITS KKN Abmas team
He further said that the choice of Jombang as the location of the abmas took into account its proximity to the ITS campus in Surabaya, thus facilitating transportation and accommodation during pandemic conditions. Moreover, the school has many students who come from various regions. “It is hoped that students who take part in this activity can apply it in their respective areas and are willing to provide information to those around them,” he said.
Not only Linda, but this abmas also involved several other lecturers and students. They are Prof. Dr. Darminto MSc, Prof. Drs Agus Purwanto MSc DSc, Drs Drs Mochamad Zainuri MSi, Fahmi Astuti SSi MSi Ph.D., Drs Drs Yoyok Cahyono MSi, and ten students participating in the Community Service Program from the Department of Physics. In addition, the Principal of SMA A Wahid Hasyim Tebuireng, physics teacher, and students participated.
Further explained, this process begins with the search for schools that will cooperate for the abmas program. Then there was an explanation to the principal and physics teacher about the abmas plan. Then proceed with the process of preparing tools and materials for water filters and providing knowledge to the KKN students involved.
The ITS Physics Department KKN Abmas team shows how the water filter from coconut shell charcoal works to the students of SMA A Wahid Hasyim Tebuireng, Jombang.
On this occasion, the delivery of filter media and water quality tester and their installation also occurred. In addition, Dr. Mochamad Zainuri explained how to manufacture and work the tool and care for filter media. “Before it was closed, it was shown the practice of collecting data before and after filtration by KKN students,” he explained.
Linda said that the desired output through this activity was to increase the understanding of physics teachers and students’ understanding of the use of physics in everyday life. Namely in terms of water filters by utilizing coconut shell waste. “In the future, the improvement of water quality at SMA A Wahid Hasyim Tebuireng, Jombang is expected to be more optimal,” he said.
Through this abmas, KKN students can directly participate in the community to practice the knowledge gained in college. Moreover, in the future, there will be further communication with the school and physics teachers for cooperation that can be carried out in the form of abmas or other fields related to physics. (ITS Public Relation)
Reporter: Faadhillah Syhab Azzahra
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