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November 21, 2021 15:11

ITS as the First BRAUIC Consortium Member from Indonesia

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ITS Chancellor Prof. Dr. Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng when giving a virtual speech at the Belt and Road Architectural University International Consortium (BRAUIC), China Annual Meeting 2021 event

ITS Chancellor Prof. Dr. Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng when giving a virtual speech at the Belt and Road Architectural University International Consortium (BRAUIC), China Annual Meeting 2021 event

ITS Campus, ITS News – The efforts of the Institut Teknologi Sepuluh November (ITS) to seek cooperation with various reputable overseas universities (PT) (international caliber) are always carried out. This time, ITS succeeded in becoming the first campus in Indonesia to become a member of the Belt and Road Architectural University International Consortium (BRAUIC), China.

This BRAUIC collaboration is a co-financing program for an educational project carried out by various universities under the coordination of the Beijing University of Civil Engineering & Architecture (BUCEA), China. It is also known that the founding members of this consortium consist of 44 universities from 19 countries, including Russia, Poland, France, the United States, and the United Kingdom.

The Dean of the Faculty of Civil, Planning, and Earth Engineering (FTSPK), ITS Dr. Ir Murni Rachmawati MT, explained that BRAUIC has members as many as 64 universities from 27 countries, signifies the success of this program in the international arena. “This consortium is based on building a communication platform and cooperation between international universities in the field of architecture along the Silk Road,” he explained.

This participation process began when ITS, through ITS Global Engagement (ITS GE), invited BRAUIC member students to take part in the 2021 ITS CommTECH program. From here, ITS participation, especially the ITS Architecture Department to join BRAUIC, was initiated.

Dean of the Faculty of Civil, Planning, and Earth Engineering (FTSPK) ITS Dr. Ir Murni Rachmawati MT

Dean of the Faculty of Civil, Planning, and Earth Engineering (FTSPK) ITS Dr. Ir Murni Rachmawati MT

ITS participation in this program resulted in several international programs, which have succeeded in attracting as many as four exchange students from China, Russia, and Greece. “One of them is the CommTECH Online 2021 Summer Edition program which has been circulated to all intercommunication members of BRAUIC,” he explained.

Murni said that becoming a member of this consortium will open up wider opportunities for students to gain knowledge and participate in various activities carried out by member universities. These include staff & student mobility, academic conferences, or actively participating in the Let’s Study Abroad program from ITS GE, one of the programs implemented with BUCEA.

The dean, a lecturer at the ITS Architecture Department, hopes that joining the FTSPK Architecture Department (Civplan) will get international recognition in information reporting, mobility, and research faster by expanding the wings of internationalization to all members of the consortium.

Unmitigated, he also hopes for collaborative development with BRAUIC member universities, not only in architecture but also in other fields from FTSPK and other faculties at ITS. “Hopefully, this participation will be able to bring ITS forward for a better humanity, Advancing Humanity,” he concluded. (ITS Public Relation)

Reporter: Fauzan Fakhrizal Azmi

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