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December 08, 2021 15:12

Aceh Governor Explores Education Collaboration with ITS

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Gubernur Aceh Ir H Nova Iriansyah (kanan) berbincang dengan Rektor ITS Prof Mochamad Ashari di ruang kerja rektor

The Aceh Governor Ir H Nova Iriansyah (right) talks to ITS Rector Prof Mochamad in the rector’s office

ITS Campus, ITS News – Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) continues to open and expand the network of collaborations. ITS realizes the collaboration in educational sector by the visit of Aceh Governor Ir H Nova Iriansyah and his staffs to discuss the potential for academic collaboration between ITS and Perguruan Tinggi Negeri (PTN) or Public Universities in Aceh Province, Tuesday (7/12) afternoon.

ITS Rector Prof. Dr. Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng directly welcomed the group from Aceh Province with academics from Syiah Kuala University (USK) at the ITS Rectorate Building. USK representatives also present were USK Professor Prof Dr dr Syahrul SpS (K) and USK lecturer Dr Nasrul Musadir SpS (K) FINA.

As an opening, The ITS Rector, familiarly called Ashari, introduced the campus leadership and ITS commitment as an institution that focuses on technology. This commitment is supported by the existence of a Science Techno Park (STP) at ITS, which has produced several innovative products to date. “One of the products produced is autonomous cars and Robot Medical Assistant ITS – Unair (RAISA),” he explained.

Penyerahan cinderamata dari Rektor ITS Prof Dr Mochamad Ashari MEng (kiri) kepada Gubernur Aceh Ir H Nova Iriansyah

Handing over of souvenirs from ITS Rector Prof. Dr. Mochamad Ashari MEng (left) to the Governor of Aceh Ir H Nova Iriansyah

Through this presentation, the Governor of Aceh expressed his interest in establishing other connections in the education sector with ITS. This interest is based on the fact that Aceh has the highest number of PTNs in one province outside Java, with 13 PTNs. “Therefore, this academic collaboration should not only focus on USK but also with other PTNs in Aceh Province,” Nova hoped.

More profoundly, Nova also explained his motivation for visiting ITS. One of the motivations is that some PTNs in Aceh are still experiencing inequality in all respects. Namely, from the number of lecturers and students to the infrastructure. Apart from that, Nova also highlighted that Aceh’s geographical condition is so vast that it has not yet achieved equal distribution of education in Aceh.

“We also want to develop universities in the south, such as Teuku Umar University and on the east-north coast of Aceh, namely Malikussaleh University,” said Nova expressing his desire for educational development to also spread to more distant areas.

Foto bersama Gubernur Aceh dengan jajaran pimpinan ITS dan Universitas Syiah Kuala (USK) selepas diskusi penjajakan kerja sama ci Gedung Rektorat ITSA Photo with the Governor of Aceh with the leadership of ITS and Syiah Kuala University (USK) after a discussion on exploring cooperation in the ITS Rectorate Building

Nova, an alumnus of ITS Architecture, explained that Aceh Provincial Government (Pemprov) had made various efforts to develop the education sector. Some of them by building infrastructure and preparing land for PTN. This man with glasses expects to synergize with ITS in implementing this goal.

Ashari also welcomed the Aceh Governor’s wish by expressing ITS readiness to synergize with the Aceh Provincial Government and USK. Moreover, this ITS Professor also stated that the relationship between the three was very close. Meanwhile, Nova also expressed his desire to revisit ITS after clearly knowing what cooperative relationship he wanted to establish. “I plan to come again so that the relationship with ITS can continue,” he concluded. (ITS Public Relations)

Reporter: Tiara Hikmata Billah

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