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December 10, 2021 20:12

ITS Acquires the National First Rank on SIMKATMAWA 2021

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Gedung Rektorat ITS

ITS Rectorate Building

ITS Campus, ITS News – Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) achieves the first national ranking in the 2021 Sistem Informasi Manajemen Pemeringkatan Kemahasiswaan (SIMKATMAWA) or the Student Rating Management Information System. The Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) presented this achievement for ITS because of good synergy from ITS students, the ITS Directorate of Student Affairs, and ITS as an institution.

ITS Director of Student Affairs Dr. Imam Abadi ST MT said that SIMKATMAWA is a benchmark for the performance of student management. The measurement starts from how universities regulate their students to the management of student co-curricular and extra-curricular activities facilitated by the ITS student affairs field. “In this evaluation, there are four kinds of assessment indicators,” he explained.

The first indicator for the assessment is the performance of institutional management. In this indicator, the performance is assessed from how ITS provides legal protection, funding, and guidance to student activities. According to Imam, this indicator obtained a good score due to the ITS Rector’s Regulation that requires various things such as Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM), Student Extracurricular Credit Unit (SKEM), and other regulations.

Then, the second indicator is guided by the implementation of MBKM activities. These activities consist of internships, student exchange, entrepreneurship, etc. ITS has also repeatedly contributed to community service, research by lecturers and students, and many others.

Gerbang Depan Kampus ITS

ITS Campus Front Gate

Moreover, the third indicator includes co-curricular activities and achievement in extra-curricular activities independently. ITS has organized both co-curricular and extra-curricular activities in carrying out this third indicator. “This indicator is determined by how many students have excelled in competitions both off-campus and on campus,” said the Physics Engineering Department lecturer.

According to Imam’s explanation, the fourth indicator includes students’ achievements in competitions organized by the Ministry of Education and Culture. The competitions consist of the Indonesian Robot Contest (KRI), National Student Scientific Week (Pimnas), Energy Saving Car Contest (KMHE), and so on.

In implementing this fourth indicator, ITS has won every activity organized by the Ministry of Education and Culture. These achievements include Third Place at the 34th Pimnas 2021, General Champion at KRI 2021, First Place at KMHE 2021, and various other championships that ITS has won.

Imam hopes that excel students should improve their achievements in the fields that they engage. Imam also hopes that ITS students can be more compact with one another. “I hope that ITS can synergize with each other to create various kinds of innovations and achievements,” he said confidently. (nadh/ITS Public Relations)

Reporter: Bima Surya Samudra

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