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December 12, 2021 21:12

LTMPT Socializes the Implementation of 2022 New Student Admissions

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ITS Campus, ITS News – The admission period for new students (maba) for tertiary institutions in Indonesia will soon start again. Prospective new students and the school must immediately know information about the program and its admission route. To that end, the Higher Education Entrance Test Institute (LTMPT) began to socialize the 2022 New Student Admissions (PMB), which was held online, Sunday (12/12).

In connection with the preparation of this LTMPT joint activity, the Chancellor of the Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) Prof. Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng was appointed directly based on the results of the rector’s deliberation as the Chair of the LTMPT in 2022. Later, the Chancellor of Andalas University (Unand), Prof. Dr. Yuliandri SH MH, and Rector of the State University of Gorontalo (UNG) Dr. Ir Eduart Wolok ST MT.

The Chancellor, who is familiarly called Ashari, explained that LTMPT is an institution whose aim is to assist universities in selecting new students. With the selection conducted every year, LTMPT strives to be a credible, efficient, effective, and proportional institution in implementing new student admissions. “Every year, LTMPT is ready to select the chosen nation’s children to gain superior competence at the dream campus,” he said.

ITS Chancellor Prof. Dr. Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng, who was appointed as the Chair of the 2022 LTMPT when explaining the online socialization of 2022 new student admissions

ITS Chancellor Prof. Dr. Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng, who was appointed as the Chair of the 2022 LTMPT when explaining the online socialization of 2022 new student admissions

In connection with the LTMPT at PMB 2022, it will inevitably be carried out as well as possible which has been proven by the existence of Private Universities (PTS) and official universities that already believe in using the results of UTBK scores in the selection of new students. In addition, it is known that some independent colleges also use UTBK scores.

In PMB 2022, Ashari admitted that the LTMPT still refers to the Regulation of the Minister of Education and Culture (Permendikbud) number 6 of 2020, implemented in three routes. Namely the National Selection for State University Entrance (SNMPTN), Computer-Based Written Examination (UTBK) – Joint Selection for State University Entrance (SBMPTN), and the Independent pathway held by each university.

Furthermore, he said that the implementation would not be much different from last year in terms of State Universities (PTN) participating from academic and polytechnic universities and several universities under the Ministry of Religion (Kemenag). “From the implementation of governance, it is also fixed. That is, each candidate is required to create an exam account,” explained the ITS Professor of Electrical Engineering.

Adding to Ashari’s explanation, the Chief Executive of the 2022 LTMPT, Prof. Budi Prasetyo Widyobroto, explained that the minimum quota provided in the upcoming 2022 SNMPTN is 20 percent the minimum SBMPTN is 40 percent, and the Mandiri route is a maximum of 30 percent. However, special attention should be paid to State Universities with Legal Entities (PTN-BH), which will be given the flexibility to administer the SBMPTN with a minimum quota of 30 percent and a maximum independent pathway of 50 percent. “This has been based on the relevant Ministerial Regulation,” he said.

Chief Executive of the 2022 LTMPT Prof Budi Prasetyo Widyobroto (top right frame) when explaining the needs and updates in the 2022 new student admissions pathway

Chief Executive of the 2022 LTMPT Prof Budi Prasetyo Widyobroto (top right frame) when explaining the needs and updates in the 2022 new student admissions pathway

In addition, LTMPT is still implementing the Single Sign On (SSO) policy in 2022 because it analyzes how many benefits help the community. As in the process of filling out the School Student Database (PDSS) by schools, SNMPTN registration by eligible students, as well as UTBK-SBMPTN registration, the conditions are that you must have an LTMPT account.

LTMPT still accommodates the 2013 and 2016 curriculum, so schools that do not use the national curriculum are not allowed to register. LTMPT has made an important note that the PDSS has been developed and will accommodate curriculum differences between odd-even semesters.

For this year, Budi emphasized that all activities carried out during the PMB period under the auspices of the LTMPT, including filling out the PDSS carried out by schools, would constantly be closely monitored and based on rules. “The truth of the data stored will be the responsibility of the students and the principal concerned,” concluded Budi. (ITS Public Relation)


Reporter: Fauzan Fakhrizal Azmi

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