ITS Campus, ITS News –To support the dissemination of the variety and benefits of statistical products in universities, the Head of the Indonesian Central Statistics Agency (BPS) Dr. Margo Yuwono SSi MSi, inaugurated the Statistical Corner at Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS), Wednesday (22/12). Locate in H. Building ITS Statistics Department, This Statistical Corner is the 7th in Indonesia. It is first in East Java.
The Statistical Corner is a collaboration service between BPS and universities in Indonesia. In addition, from the tagline A Fun Place to Study Statistics. Statistical Corner is present as a facility that can be used by academics to discuss, fulfill research needs and quality, increase innovation which leads to progress in nation-building.
The cooperation agreement between BPS East Java Province and ITS last September started with a proposal from the Department of Statistics, Faculty of Science and Data Analytics (FSAD) ITS and has been approved by BPS. Being the 7th, ITS followed six other places, namely Hassanuddin University, North Sumatra University (USU), Padang State University (UNP), West Sulawesi University (Unsulbar), Statistics Corner in Bangka Belitung Islands Province, Bangka Belitung University, and at Sebelas Maret University (UNS).
At the beginning of his speech, the Head of BPS for East Java Province, Dr. Dadang Hardiwan, SSi, MSi, explained that as the government’s trust opened up to BPS, the challenges faced were also increasingly difficult. Advances in technology have made the demand for accurate data even greater with easy access. “With this Statistical Corner, it can be used as a facility for accessing digital and analog-based public data that is easy to obtain,” he said.
In line with Dadang, ITS Vice-Rector I for Academic and Student Affairs Prof. Dr. Ir Adi Supriyanto MT said there is a lot of data around us. However, that needs to be processed and analyzed to provide maximum benefits. “Take an example with this pandemic. If it is not properly recorded, the public will not know or be aware of the next clustering,” he said.
The success of ITS in producing technology, research conducted by students and lecturers cannot be separated, from the hands of people who process data. “Therefore, thank you, because ITS has been trusted by BPS in building this statistical corner it is hoped that later there will be joint research between ITS and BPS,” he said while giving a speech in the Senate Meeting Room, ITS Rectorate Building.
Before moving to the inauguration site at the ITS Statistics Department with the ITS Gesits electric motor, the Head of BPS said that he saw climate change and the Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia as the destruction of industry 4.0. This also affects the existing consumption and production patterns. “From this, BPS itself must be able to collaborate in various parties so that they can be in line and maintain balance,” he said.
By giving birth to new methods such as collaborating with universities and building statistical knowledge in broad scope, through ITS, BPS asks for assistance to adapt to existing progress. “Data needs are increasingly complex, modernization demands will affect, the need for new data sources has an impact on data collection and utilization,” explained Margo.
He continued, humans are the center of development. Based on data obtained from various sectors, the development of an area can be said to be successful if the quality of human beings from the health, education, and economic aspects is high. Because there are still many regions in Indonesia that have a low Human Development Index (IPM).
In line with the goal, if the research produced by students or lecturers at ITS uses good data processing, it will be able to bring up new knowledge information. “The birth of this breakthrough and innovation will create patented data (official statistics), thus encouraging the executive to put policies that have an impact on Indonesia’s more advanced development,” concluded Margo while delivering a public lecture.
As Chair of the ITS Statistical Corner Secretariat, Dr. Ismaini Zain MSi also said that the synergy between BPS and ITS had a positive impact. With reliable data that has been collected by BPS, it will increase the value of student or lecturer research. “Because accurate data will be the right reference source,” he reminded.
It is hoped that this Statistical Corner can improve statistical literacy for ITS academics. The Business and Industrial World (DUDI) is no exception, which can use the Statistical Corner as a medium to assist the analysis needed. “Therefore, ITS as the first university in East Java to present the Statistical Corner fully hopes for all parties to maximize this facility,” said Ismaini. (ITS Public Relation)
Reporter: Fatima Az Zahra
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