ITS News

Tuesday, January 14, 2025
December 23, 2021 10:12

ITS Distributes Air Purifier and Antiviral Mask Innovations to the Community

Oleh : Tim Website | | Source : ITS Online
Serah terima air purifier antiviral dari ITS kepada masyarakat Desa Palur, Kebonsari, Madiun

Handover of the antiviral air purifier from ITS to the people of Palur Village, Kebonsari, Madiun

ITS Campus, ITS News – Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) continues to intensify the downstream of its innovative products so that can be used directly by the community. This time, the Directorate of Innovation and Science Technology Area (DIKST) ITS held a technology diffusion activity resulting from innovation products in the form of air purifiers and antiviral (antivirus and bacterial) masks in Bangunsari Village and Palur Village, Madison, Wednesday (22/12).

One of the lecturers who developed the product, Dr. Widyastuti SSi MSi, explained that an antiviral air purifier is used to filter the air in a closed room. This is because closed rooms are more dangerous in spreading bacteria and viruses through the air or droplets when compared to open spaces.

Dr Widyastuti SSi MSi menjelaskan mengenai produk inovasi masker antiviral dari ITS

Dr. Widyastuti SSi MSi explained about the innovative antiviral mask product from ITS

Lecturer Department of Materials and Metallurgical Engineering The Minister stated that the advantages of this innovative product are due to the presence of nano-sized copper in the filter layer. The copper nanoparticle technology makes the air purifier have the ability to kill fungi, bacteria, and viruses, in addition to filtering dust. “So that the air that comes out can ascertain to be clean,” he said.

According to him, the filter layer can last up to six months. In addition, using this air purifier is very easy because you only need to touch the screen (touchscreen). When turned on, There are color indicators from green, yellow, and red. “The red color indicates the air is dirty, so the fan in the air purifier will automatically run faster,” he explained.

Salah satu mahasiswa Departemen Teknik Material dan Metalurgi ITS, Ahmad Fahmi Prakoso (kiri) menjelaskan cara penggunaan air purifier kepada masyarakat

One of the students of the ITS Materials and Metallurgical Engineering Department, Ahmad Fahmi Prakoso (left), explains how to use an air purifier to the public

Another advantage, continued Widyastuti, is that this air purifier also provides an indicator of air temperature and humidity as well as a quiet voice. On this basis, the distribution of the air purifier to the village head’s office expects to make public services comfortable and safe for the local community.

In addition to the air purifier, this activity also distributes antiviral mask products that can fight bacteria and viruses. Widyastuti explained that the mask is also made of cloth with nano-sized copper added, which can make the virus only last for four hours.

The mask can also be washed using cold water and extra fragrance. “Masks are still effective against viruses more than 80 percent even though they have been washed up to 50 times,” said the woman who is also an ITS alumnus.

Finally, Widyastuti hopes that this activity can have a good impact on the community and can apply various technologies that have been made at ITS to the community. “Hopefully it can be useful for the future,” she said. (ITS Public Relation)

Foto bersama usai penyaluran masker dan air purifier di Desa Palur, Kebonsari, Madiun

A photo after distributing masks and air purifiers in Palur Village, Kebonsari, Madiun

Reporter: Sofyan Abidin

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