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December 24, 2021 17:12

StrokIndo, Stroke Risk Identification Platform from the ITS KKN Team

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Tim KKN Abmas ITS dengan pihak Puskesmas di Situbondo

ITS Abmas KKN Team with the Puskesmas in Situbondo

ITS Campus, ITS News – In 2012, the World Health Organization (WHO) stated that stroke was the disease that contributed to the highest death rate in Indonesia, amounting to 21 percent. Seeing this fact, the Real Work Lecture (KKN) and Community Service (Abmas) team from the Information Systems Department of Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) developed a website called Stroke Indonesia (StrokIndo) to help the public know the level of stroke risk..

Muhammad Ilham Akbar, Head of the Abmas KKN Team, said that StrokIndo is a website with a risk calculator category. The StrokIndo page has a function to determine the level of risk, which in this case is the risk of having a stroke. Visitors can identify their own risk by filling out a questionnaire regarding their physical condition. “The questions on the questionnaire include gender, age, weight, and height, to a history of disease on the stroke risk check menu,” explained the student who is familiarly called Ilham.

Contoh hasil identifikasi risiko stroke dan saran dari pakar pada laman StrokIndo, rancangan tim KKN Abmas ITS

Examples of stroke risk identification results and advice from experts on the StrokIndo page, designed by the ITS KKN Abmas team

In addition to helping self-assessment of stroke risk, this page also provides recommendations to users according to the risk of exposure. The carrier, which is still under development, was designed by Ilham and his three colleagues, namely Ratna Andrea Putri Ardito, Aulifia Rizky Farisa, and Safirah Melinia Febyanti. Under the guidance of a lecturer, Retno Aulia Vinarti SKom MKom Ph.D. “This website can be accessed on a browser with the URL address:,” he said.

Furthermore, the main feature of this website is the calculation of the level of stroke risk, which is assisted by supporting components in the form of suggestions in the form of writing and videos from doctors or experts in stroke management, as well as how to handle stroke-causing factors in a user.

Ilham also explained that in this project, his team collaborated with hospitals and Community Health Centers (Puskesmas) in Situbondo for survey data collection purposes. However, the broader target of strokindo itself is to users over the age of 30 years with the understanding that most users are at risk of stroke but do not yet know the risk.

Para mahasiswa ITS yang tergabung dalam tim KKN Abmas saat melakukan survei dan pemetaan proyek website kepada masyarakat di puskesmas dan rumah sakit mengenai StrokIndo

ITS students who are members of the Abmas KKN team when conducting surveys and mapping of website projects to the public at health centers and hospitals regarding StrokIndo

After being applied and monitored, the user community who previously could not know the stroke risk level they experienced can now see the risk status very efficiently. “Not only that, but they also get advice to deal with certain factors that cause stroke,” said this master program student.

With this page, Ilham admits that he has received a lot of responses from users and health workers who have participated in trying this page. They assessed that the suggestions presented by health workers for StrokIndo could be more detailed and also added referrals if there are users who have many risk factors to be handled by the relevant medical personnel.

During the trial period of this website, Ilham admitted that he received many responses from users and health workers. One of the most important is the detailed advice presented by health workers for StrokIndo users. In addition, there is also the idea of ​​adding a referral if there are users who have many risk factors so that the relevant medical personnel can handle them.

From these various criticisms and suggestions, Ilham and his team hope that with the StrokIndo website, people can be more concerned with their condition related to stroke risk and the factors that cause it. “We hope that the public can avoid the dangers of stroke by following the advice of doctors or experts according to the conditions they are experiencing,” he concluded hopefully. (ITS Public Relation/far)


Reporter: Fauzan Fakhrizal Azmi

Redaktur: Gita Rama Mahardhika

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