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January 14, 2022 15:01

Support MBKM, ITS Shows Achievements in the 2021 Diktiristek Award

Oleh : Tim Website | | Source : ITS Online
Penerimaan penghargaan di ajang Anugerah Diktiristek 2021 yang juga disiarkan langsung melalui kanal Youtube Ditjen Diktiristek

Accepting the award at the 2021 Diktiristek Anugerah event, which was also broadcast live via the Ditjen Diktiristek Youtube channel

ITS Campus, ITS News – Being one of the universities that support the implementation of the Independent Campus Independent Learning Program (MBKM), the Ten November Institute of Technology (ITS) strives to contribute several brilliant achievements. This is evidenced by the achievement of four awards at the same time in the 2021 Diktiristek Award event held by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbudristek), Thursday (13/1).

The four awards consist of Best 1 Universities Participating in Indonesian International Student Mobility Awards (IISMA), Best 1 Winner in the Social Media Management category for Legal Entity State Universities (PTN-BH), Best 2 Winner in the Page Management category for PTN-BH, and Best 2nd runner-up in the category of Press Release and Press Conference for PTN-BH.

Penghargaan prestasi yang berhasil diboyong ITS dalam ajang Anugerah Diktiristek 2021

Achievement awards brought by ITS in the 2021 Diktiristek Award event

The Diktiristek Award itself is an appreciation for stakeholders from universities, partners from ministries, institutions, the world of business and industry (DUDI), as well as journalists and media who have supported the implementation of the Independent Learning Campus policy and the Main Performance Indicators (IKU) for Higher Education. This activity is specifically organized by the Directorate General of Higher Education, Research and Technology (Ditjen Diktiristek) Kemendikbudristek.

Dr. Umi Laili Yuhana SKom, MSc, Secretary of ITS (SekITS), revealed three types of awards given in this event. The first is the Merdeka Campus Award for universities, students, lecturers, and partners involved in implementing the four flagship Merdeka Campus programs. “The four programs are IISMA, Independent Student Exchange, Internship and Independent Studies, and Teaching Campus,” said the lecturer, who is familiarly called Yuhana.

While the second type of award is given to universities and partners involved in the Merdeka Campus competition, the Matching Fund, Kedaireka, and the Merdeka Campus from Sexual Violence PT. “And the last type of award is the Public Relations Award which has been an annual activity since 2017 as a form of monitoring the performance of higher education public relations and LLDIKTI,” said this lecturer at the Department of Informatics Engineering.

Yuhana continued the theme raised in the 2021 Diktiristek Public Relations Award category was the Socialization of the Independent Learning Policy for the Independent Campus. It was attended by thousands of participants from PTN-BH, Public Service Agency (BLU) PTN, Work Unit PTN (Satker), LLDIKTI, and Private Universities (PTS) throughout Indonesia. Aspects assessed in this category are the quality of website management, social media, press conferences, magazines, the most popular public relations personnel, integrated service units, and integrated management of public services through Lapor.

To achieve the first best position in the IISMA category, continued Yuhana, ITS has provided maximum assistance to IISMA students. From the selection stage, pre-departure, during the program, to returning home. “The IISMA selection is carried out centrally at the institute level, including file selection and interviews to determine the readiness of IISMA applicants,” she said.

ITS has also conducted special coaching on interview preparation by running simulations involving management at the ITS Global Partnership Directorate (DKG) and alumni experienced in LPDP scholarship interviews. Of the 24 people who applied, ITS passed 14 students who were then given briefing and assistance by involving lecturers and education staff from each department.

Meanwhile, the ITS Public Communication Unit (UKP) Head for the 2020-2022 period, Anggra Ayu Rucita ST MMT, revealed to win the best PTN-BH social media award, ITS periodically evaluates innovates by providing social media that is suitable for market segmentation. “Our social media consists of Instagram, Line, Twitter, Facebook, and the latest is TikTok,” she explained.

(dari kiri) Kepala Unit Komunikasi Publik ITS Anggra Ayu Rucitra ST MMT dan Kasubunit Promosi dan Citra Institusi ITS Putri Dwitasari ST MDs dalam Anugerah Diktiristek 2021

(from left) Head of ITS Public Communication Unit Anggra Ayu Rucitra ST MMT and Head of ITS Institutional Promotion and Image Subunit Putri Dwitasari ST MDs in the 2021 Diktiristek Award

Anggra added ITS continues to strive to enrich content tailored to the platform. “For Instagram, the content that has been developed includes reels, ITS News, ITS Greeting, ITS Fun, and many more,” explained the ITS Interior Design Department lecturer.

Meanwhile, to get the award for the best PTN-BH Press Release and Press Conference categories, ITS presents a minimum of two press releases per day, which are distributed to external media. The content raised includes ITS contributions in research, research, and community service to disseminating ITS policies during the pandemic. “We adjust the topic to the needs of today’s society,” said Anggra.

In the future, with this award, Yuhana and Anggra hope that ITS can become a world-class university and contribute to advancing the quality of human life and civilization following the motto Advancing Humanity. “Hopefully, we can continue to make improvements to maintain and improve the achievements that have been achieved,” concluded Yuhana hopefully. (far/ITS Public Relation)

(dari kiri) Kepala Unit Komunikasi Publik ITS Anggra Ayu Rucitra ST MMTdan Wakil Rektor I ITS Prof Dr Ir Adi Soeprijanto usai menerima penghargaan ITS dalam Anugerah Diktiristek 2021

(from left) Head of ITS Public Communication Unit Anggra Ayu Rucitra ST MMT and ITS Vice-Chancellor I Prof Dr. Ir Adi Soeprijanto after receiving the ITS award in the 2021 Diktiristek Award


Reporter: Erchi Ad’ha Loyensya

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