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Monday, January 13, 2025
January 28, 2022 05:01

Expanding Job Opportunities, ITS Collaborates with IDS College

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(dari kiri) Andi Surya Boediman dan Prof Ir I Nyoman Pujawan MEng PhD CSCP saat diskusi kerja sama antara ITS dan IDS College

(from left) Andi Surya Boediman and Prof. Ir I Nyoman Pujawan MEng Ph.D. CSCP during a collaborative discussion between ITS and IDS College

ITS Campus, ITS News –The inauguration of the Interdisciplinary School of Management and Technology of Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (SIMT-ITS) in October 2021 supports the increasingly diverse choice of master’s study programs in ITS. Departing from this, ITS together with the International Design School (IDS) College signed a collaboration to expand job opportunities for master’s degrees in the field of start-ups and technology, Friday (28/1).

ITS Vice-Rector I Prof. Dr. Ir Adi Soeprijanto MT enthusiastically welcomed the offer of collaboration by IDS College. He said, the Masters in Technology Management (MMT) and the Masters in System and Technology Innovation (MIST) program strongly support the birth of Indonesian human resources (HR) who are full of innovation.

Andi Surya Boediman (kiri) mengungkapkan kepada Wakil Rektor I ITS Prof Dr Ir Adi Soeprijanto MT tentang peluang besar bagi lulusan magister ITS untuk berkontribusi di dunia start-up di Indonesia

Andi Surya Boediman (left) revealed to ITS Vice-Rector I Prof Dr. Ir Adi Soeprijanto MT about the great opportunity for ITS master graduates to contribute to the start-up world in Indonesia

The same thing was also conveyed by Andi Surya Boediman, the founder and Chairman of the Trustees IDS College Foundation. It is a high school that focuses on the world of design, animation, and filmmaking, which assesses that Indonesian human resources working in the start-up world still need to be improved both in terms of quantity and quality.

Pendiri dan Ketua Yayasan IDS College Andi Surya Boediman (dua dari kiri) dan Wakil Rektor I ITS Prof Dr Ir Adi Soeprijanto MT (dua dari kanan) saat menandatangani kontrak perjanjian kerja sama

Founder and Chairman of the IDS College Foundation Andi Surya Boediman (second from left) and ITS Vice-Rector I Prof. Dr. Ir Adi Soeprijanto MT (second from right) when signing a cooperation agreement

Furthermore, Andi said, currently there is only 0.3 percent of the Indonesian population who have education up to the S2 level. This has forced many start-up companies in Indonesia to use employees from abroad to empower their start-ups. Human resources in Indonesia may be able to compete in terms of innovation and work ethic. “I believe ITS can produce master’s graduates who can contribute greatly to start-ups in Indonesia,” he said optimistically.

Meanwhile, the Dean of SIMT-ITS Prof. Ir I Nyoman Pujawan MEng Ph.D. CSCP also revealed that this is an extraordinary form of collaboration. “Considering that there are not many collaborations with this model, hopefully, the collaboration with IDS College can continue to run well,” he said hopefully. (ITS Public Relation)

Jajaran pimpinan ITS dan IDS College menunjukkan naskah kerja sama yang telah ditandatangani bersama

The Exsecutive of ITS and IDS College shows a signed collaboration document

Reporter: Fathia Rahmanisa

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