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January 28, 2022 20:01

Increasing Internationalization, ITS Collaborates with the Best Geophysical Sciences in the World

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Mahasiswa Departemen Teknik Geofisika ITS saat akan berangkat untuk menjalankan studi Double Degree ke UTP, Malaysia

Students of the ITS Geophysical Engineering Department when they are about to leave to carry out Double Degree studies to UTP, Malaysia

ITS Campus, ITS NewsInstitut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) is still on an incessant mission to explore internationalization for its students. It was the turn of five International Undergraduate Program (IUP) students at this time. ITS Geophysical Engineering Department participated in the exchange program to Petronas University of Technology (UTP), Malaysia.

Head of the Department of Geophysics Engineering ITS Dr. Dwa Desa Warnana SSi MSi explained that this activity was a form of the double degree program as an obligation to implement international exposure. Anang admitted the program was indeed a form of agreement on a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) and Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) with the two existing partner campuses. “From our department, there are two choices, namely Curtin University, Australia and the field of Exploration Geophysics at UTP,” he explained.

Sebagian mahasiswa yang berangkat studi ke UTP, Malaysia bersama Dr Dwa Desa Warnana SSi MSi (kanan) dan dosen Teknik Geofisika ITS Dr Widya Utama DEA (dua dari kiri)

Some students who went to study at UTP, Malaysia with Dr. Dwa Desa Warnana SSi MSi (right) and ITS Geophysical Engineering lecturer Dr. Widya Utama DEA (second from left)

As for the implementation model of the double degree program at Curtin University. It is 2.5 years at ITS, and 1.5 years at overseas campuses. Meanwhile, according to Anang, UTP is divided into 2 years at ITS and 2 years at UTP. “From the two partners, the five students are free to choose according to their wishes to join the double degree program from which campus,” explained the lecturer in the Environmental and Engineering Geophysics Laboratory.

The five ITS Geophysical Engineering students who left on January 19 are Daneswara Widyanggastari, Timothy Imanuel, George Billy, Laksmita Rosyidah, and Gabriel Granito. They were the first batch to run the exchange program and the five of them chose to study at UTP.

(dari kiri) Gabrian Granito, George Billy, Daneswara Widyanggastari, Laksmita Rosyidah, dan Timothy Imanuel merupakan mahasiswa program Double Degree Teknik Geofisika ITS yang ke UTP

(from left) Gabriel Granito, George Billy, Daneswara Widyanggastari, Laksmita Rosyidah, and Timothy Imanuel are students of the ITS Geophysical Engineering Double Degree program who went to UTP

Later, continued Anang. They will get two degrees at once, namely Bachelor of Engineering (ST) from ITS and Bachelor of Science (BSc) from partner campuses. “In addition, they can also get joint supervision and research collaboration,” he said.

The bespectacled lecturer revealed that the two partner campuses were included in the Top 100 QS World Ranking by Subject in 2021. This is the main attraction, that the partner campus is one of the best Geophysics educators in the world.

Anang added in addition to taking lessons on campus. Students are also required to do industrial internships. “Twice during holidays or short semesters, in the form of Student Industrial Training (SIT) and Student Industrial Project (SIP),” he said.

Regarding his departure, which was in the Covid-19 pandemic, of course, the ITS Geophysics Department had made some anticipatory tips. Several technical meetings for the implementation of departures which are also attended by students and parents of students are often held. This includes several regulations and documents from partner campuses. “We also have a special chat group with partner campuses, students, and parents of students for updates because this pandemic is a major concern for all parties,” he concluded. (ITS Public Relation)


Reporter: Astri Nawwar Kusumaningtyas

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