ITS Campus, ITS News – Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) proves its readiness to help solve problems in various regions in Indonesia through the extension of cooperation with the Regency Government (Pemkab) of Kapuas, Central Kalimantan. This third extension was marked by the signing of a memorandum of understanding (MoU) and Cooperation Agreement (PKS) at the ITS Rectorate Building, Thursday (10/2).
Opening with enthusiasm, ITS Chancellor Prof. Dr. Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng revealed many opportunities for ITS collaboration with other regions. Starting from the Merdeka Belajar – Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) promoted by the Ministry, to the Real Work Lecture (KKN) program. “We have often sent students to various regions for community development,” he said.
Meanwhile, Kapuas Regent Ir Ben Brahim S Bahat MM MT said there were several potentials for cooperation between the Kapuas Regency Government and ITS. The Kapuas region, which is a transit area between various provinces, makes infrastructure development to be carried out carefully. “Starting from roads, city branding, to peat soil problems, we need to think seriously about it,” he said.
In addition, continued Ben Brahim, as one of the Food Estate development areas in Central Kalimantan Province, Kapuas also needs to plan an optimal irrigation system. So far, the irrigation system used is minimally engineered and relies on rainwater and tidal cycles. “With the collaboration with ITS, it is hoped that there will be an irrigation system that can increase rice production to achieve food security,” he said.
The proposal for this collaboration was welcomed by the Director of Business Cooperation and Management (DKPU) ITS Tri Joko Wahyu Adi ST MT PhD. ITS already collaborates with the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) through the Super Specialist Master Program for the Road Preservation Study Program for Difficult Geotechnics.
This program is a special program for planning road infrastructure with relatively difficult terrain conditions, such as peat soil. “From the Regency Government (Kapuas, ed) as far as I know, there are 16 students who are ready to take the Masters and Doctoral programs, which are very suitable for joining this scholarship,” he added.
ITS is also enthusiastic about participating in the Kapuas process to achieve Smart City. ITS has personnel who are experts in providing Smart City master plans through the study center. In addition, through the community service team (abmas), ITS can conduct an in-depth survey of the Kapuas community to determine the appropriate technology that can be applied there. “MSME development and appropriate technology from the ITS team can be deployed there,” added Tri Joko.
Participating in the discussion, the Dean of the ITS Civil, Planning and Earth Engineering Faculty (FTSPK), Dr. Ir Murni Rachmawati MT, explained that this collaboration could solve problems and improve quality HR from the Kapuas Regency Government. With the help of a curriculum that has focused on problems, ITS can prepare human resources to go directly to the field. “So the solutions provided are not only short-term but also sustainable,” he said optimistically.
Closing the discussion, Ben Brahim hoped that this cooperation would not only be limited to the people present at this time. In the long term, collaborations such as admitting outstanding new students from the Kapuas area, partnerships, and closer kinship relations can continue to be established. So that the benefits of the signing can continue to be felt by the Kapuas community. “Because in the end, we are all here to gain knowledge from ITS,” said the 1986 ITS graduate. (ITS Public Relation)
Reporter: Muhammad Miftah Fakhrizal
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