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February 12, 2022 23:02

ITS Socializes Registration for International Undergraduate Program 2022

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Kepala Subdirektorat Admisi ITS Dr Eng Unggul Wasiwitono ST MEngSc memaparkan 17 departemen yang menyediakan program IUP 2022

Head of the ITS Admissions Sub-Directorate Dr. Eng Unggul Wasiwitono ST MEngSc socializes the 17 departments that provide the 2022 International Undergraduate Program (IUP).

ITS Campus, ITS News – After carrying out the socialization for the National Selection for State Higher Education (SNMPTN) and the Joint Selection for State University Admission (SBMPTN), Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) again held registrational socialization. This time the socialization for the International Undergraduate Program (IUP) registration was held online, Saturday (12/1).

Head of the ITS Admissions Sub-directorate (Kasubdit) Dr. Eng Unggul Wasiwitono ST MEngSc explained, currently ITS provides 17 departments in the undergraduate program for this IUP, which are in six faculties that will accept prospective new students for the 2022/2023 academic year. “The six faculties are Scientics, Indsys, Civplan, Martech, Electics, and Creabiz,” he explained in the virtual meeting.

Akreditasi dari setiap departemen di ITS yang menawarkan program International Undergraduate Program (IUP) 2022Accreditation from every department at ITS that offers the International Undergraduate Program (IUP) 2022

The study programs offered at this IUP include Statistics, Mechanical Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Physics Engineering, Metallurgical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Urban and Regional Planning (PWK), Geomatics Engineering, and Geophysical Engineering. In addition, it is also open to Marine Engineering, Marine Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Information Systems, Informatics Engineering, and Business Management.

Unggul revealed that studying in the ITS IUP class allows students to choose one of several international exposure program options. “These include excursion studies, internships in international or multinational companies, student exchanges, and summer courses,” he explained.

He also explained that this program is generally offered, followed by Indonesian Citizens (WNI) and Foreign Citizens (WNA) who graduate in the related year. Alternatively, with other provisions, have done 12 years of compulsory education or have graduated from the final level school for a maximum of three years.

Pilihan program dari International Exposure Activities kelas Internasional yang wajib dijalankan oleh mahasiswa IUP selama berkuliah di ITSChoice of programs from International Exposure Activities class that must be carried out by IUP students while studying at ITS

Prospective students must also have qualified English skills and be proven by one of the four certificates offered by ITS. Among others, TOEFL, IELTS, TOEIC, and Duolingo. Further information regarding registration requirements can be accessed on the page.

The selection of the ITS IUP program will be opened in three waves. Namely, the first batch will occur immediately with SNMPTN on February 14, and prospective students are screened based on report cards/SAT scores or achievements. “Registration for batches two and three will take place in May and June, requiring UTBK / TKA / SAT scores and portfolio achievements,” he said.

In harmony with Unggul, Senior Manager of ITS Global Engagement Office on Promotion and Mobility Octaviyanti Dwi Wahyurini ST MAppDesArt PhD explained that the ITS IUP has several advantages. Among them are students get the opportunity to exchange with ITS partners abroad and can transfer credits for courses that are linear with the campus curriculum.

Senior Manager of ITS Global Engagement Office on Promotion and Mobility Octaviyanti Dwi Wahyurini ST MAppDesArt menjadi pembicara pada sosialisasi pendaftaran IUP ITS 2022Senior Manager of ITS Global Engagement Office on Promotion and Mobility Octaviyanti Dwi Wahyurini ST MAppDesArt became a speaker at the socialization of IUP ITS 2022 registration

In addition, according to this ITS Visual Communications Department (DKV) lecturer, several departments that provide IUP have also implemented Joint Degree programs with several foreign universities. In the joint degree program, from the beginning it will be taught by lecturers from ITS and partner campus lecturers who even came directly to ITS before the pandemic.

Also, for all international classes, lecturers from partner campuses will be invited to give guest lectures. “For ITS internal lecturers, there is an increase in qualifications to be able to teach in international classes with the English for Medium Instruction (EMI) program in collaboration with the British Council and the American Indonesian Exchange Foundation (AMINEF),” explained the woman who is familiarly called Oyin.

Oyin revealed that IUP ITS also offers CommTECH scholarships which will provide opportunities for students to learn about problems that exist around campus. ITS students are expected to be able to discuss and explore their insights regarding the richness of local culture. “So that later, ITS can have a special position in the eyes of international students and make ITS students part of the global community,” he concluded. (AJ/ITS Public Relations)

Sharing session dari salah satu mahasiswa IUP Departemen Teknik Geofisika ITS yang sedang mengikuti program international exposure Double Degree di Universiti Teknologi Petronas (UTP) Malaysia

Sharing session from one of the IUP students of the ITS Geophysical Engineering Department who is participating in the Double Degree international exposure program at Universiti Teknologi Petronas (UTP) Malaysia

Reporter: Fauzan Fakhrizal Azmi

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