ITS Campus – ITS News To meet the needs of lecturers at Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS), the acceptance of non-PNS permanent lecturers will be opened in 2022. The admissions for prospective lecturers are spreading from 7 faculties, 35 departments, with a need of 75 people.
Deputy Chancellor III for Human Resources, Organization, and Information System Technology, Dr. Ahmad Rusdiansyah CSCP CLTD IPU, explained that they would prioritize the quality of candidates who meet this admission requirement. “Because we are looking for the best prospective lecturers, the recruitment system must also be the best,” he said.
Furthermore, according to him, the selection process will be transparent and coherent with the selection stages, from the administration phase to interviews with leaders. This admission is very open to the best Masters/Doctoral alumni from the best universities in the country and abroad.
The man with the nickname Doddy emphasized that ITS hopes to inspire the best talents to contribute to building the nation and human civilization by becoming an ITS lecturer. “The formations offered are very diverse and oriented to contemporary science, from pure science to artificial technology, from visual communication design to robotics,” he explained.
Besides academic qualifications, ITS is also looking for candidates with a ‘militant’ spirit who have an educator spirit and pride as a lecturer, researcher, and community servant. In addition, they also expect the candidates to have broad and open insight, which is always thirsty for knowledge and innovation. “Considering all aspects of excellence from technical competence to psychological maturity, ITS is looking for candidates who are serious about becoming lecturers,” he said.
This lecturer from the Department of System and Industrial Engineering added that ITS will routinely open the acceptance of lecturers every year as needed. In this case, ITS considers the productivity performance of each department. “ITS has a standard ratio of lecturers to students recorded in real-time in its Big Data, MyITS OneData,” he explained.
This recruitment is part of the ITS Next Generation (ITS-NG) program, a future-oriented ITS HR preparation program. That is, not only short-term oriented but also preparing superior human resources for lecturers to support the progress of ITS in the future. The improvement includes the growth of new study programs. These include Food Engineering, Offshore Engineering, Telecommunication Engineering, or other fields of science to answer the challenges of innovation in Blue Ocean fields such as Renewable Energy, Health Technology, and Smart Agriculture.
Doddy admitted the acceptance committee had discussed this acceptance draft with intense and careful consideration. The discussion includes the feasibility of funding and determining what level of scientific fields are still vacant.
He stated; currently, ITS is rapidly transforming into a large modern organization. This year, the focus of ITS strategy is on developing Human Resources (HR) and management. These selected lecturers with the best quality will answer future challenges by providing further study opportunities at the best universities in the world. “ITS calls all the best talents from all over the world, including the diaspora, to jointly build Indonesia and science and human civilization,” he concluded.
Are you interested in being a part of ITS-NG? You can access information regarding the Recruitment of Non-PNS Lecturers at (NA / ITS PR)
Reporter: Faadhillah Syhab Azzahra
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