ITS News

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March 08, 2022 17:03

ITS Students Initiate Eduly, School Needs Donation Platform

Oleh : Tim Website | | Source : -
(dari kiri) Ariq Ahnafalah Syakban, Venia Sollery Aliyya Hasna, Muhammad Akmal Rishwanda, Muhammad Aqshal Putra Pratama, dan Tiffany Rachmania Darmawan merupakan tim mahasiswa ITS penggagas Eduly

(from left) Ariq Ahnafalah Syakban, Venia Sollery Aliyya Hasna, Muhammad Akmal Rishwanda, Muhammad Aqshal Putra Pratama, and Tiffany Rachmania Darmawan are the ITS student team that initiated Eduly

ITS Campus, ITS News – There are still many children who cannot continue their education due to financial limitations to buy school supplies, even though there are also many school graduates who do not know where to put school equipment they are no longer using. Seeing this phenomenon, the student team of the Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) initiated an integrated application that connects donors for school needs to those in need.

Team leader Muhammad Akmal Rishwanda explained that initially the team members were confused about the things they had during school. Meanwhile, the desire to donate used goods that are still fit for use is very high. However, they don’t know where to go if they want to do that.

Finally came the idea that initiated an application called Eduly. According to the student who is familiarly called Akmal, Eduly is a platform for people who need various school equipment and who want to donate their goods.

Tampilan aplikasi Eduly, gagasan tim mahasiswa ITS, yang menunjukkan aktivitas ketika donatur akan mengirimkan barangnya

Display of the Eduly application, the idea of ​​​​the ITS student team, which shows the activity when the donor will send the goods

The Informatics Engineering Department student added that anyone can donate their school equipment, ranging from stationery, books, uniforms, to electronic goods. “So, if there is a laptop that is no longer in use but is still functioning, it can be donated as well,” he said.

Akmal continued, the recipient of the donated goods could be an orphanage foundation which is a partner of the Eduly team or an individual who needs the item. The Eduly application will recommend recipients who need when the donor will donate the goods. “This way, donors will immediately know where the goods will go,” he added.

For the delivery of goods, the Eduly team provides two options. Donors can choose to send the goods themselves to the recipient or use the pick-up feature which provides facilities for the goods to be delivered by the Eduly team to the recipient. This feature is provided to make it easier for donors to send goods. “We want donors not to feel burdened when they want to donate their goods, so we provide these two options,” said Akmal.

Tampilan aplikasi Eduly, sebuah platform gagasan tim mahasiswa ITS untuk menyumbangkan kebutuhan sekolah kepada yang memerlukan

Display of the Eduly application, an ITS student team idea platform to donate school needs to those in need

In this way, it will be easier for people who don’t know where to donate their used school goods. In addition, children who feel they can’t continue their education because they don’t have the equipment will be reduced. “This will certainly help reduce the rate of children dropping out of school and is expected to improve the quality of education in Indonesia,” Akmal hoped.

The idea outlined in the scientific paper has also succeeded in bringing a gold medal at the ASEAN Innovative Science, Environmental, and Entrepreneur Fair (AISEEF) 2022 Social Science category, early last February. Akmal and his team members, namely Tiffany Rachmania Darmawan, Venia Sollery Aliyya Hasna, Muhammad Aqshal Putra Pratama, and Ariq Ahnafalah Syakban worked on this paper for a month under the guidance of lecturer Siska Arifiani SKom MKom. (ITS Public Relation)


Reporter: Muhammad Miftah Fakhrizal

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