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March 10, 2022 16:03

Arshaka Finance, Sharia Stock Education Platform Made by ITS Students

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Tampilan situs web layanan edukasi Arshaka Finance, rancangan tim mahasiswa ITS, yang dapat diakses melalui tautan

Display of the Arshaka Finance education service website, designed by the ITS student team, which can be accessed via the link

ITS Campus, ITS News – The Covid-19 pandemic has encouraged an increase in stock investment in Indonesia by 58 percent. However, this increase in the number of investors is still not accompanied by optimal education related to sharia shares, especially among the younger generation. This prompted a team of students from the Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS) to initiate a sharia stock education platform, Arshaka Finance.

The head of the Arshaka Finance team, Fajrur Rido Ataubakumarwa, explained that the pompom phenomenon is currently rife, namely the act of buying certain shares carried out by well-known figures on social media. This affects the younger generation who tend to participate in investing without fully understanding the risks of the company whose shares are purchased.

In addition, the current emphasis on the types of Islamic stocks is still very minimal. Some people think it is closely related to the halal or haram of an investment. “That’s what finally pushed us to start a stock education company that provides blessings and benefits for investors,” said this student from the Department of System and Industrial Engineering.

Anggota tim mahasiswa ITS saat mempresentasikan secara daring kurikulum edukasi saham di Arshaka Finance

ITS student team members when presenting online the stock education curriculum at Arshaka Finance

Arshaka Finance itself is a stock education service with e-learning learning methods through the website. With the learning path feature, someone who wants to learn to invest can access learning ranging from basic stock knowledge to investing in stocks themselves.

Uniquely, apart from these main features, Arshaka Finance also provides counseling and guidance services, especially for novice investors. This is so that when buying or selling stocks, novice investors can consider them well without panicking.

There are also services in the form of journals and investment planning that can make it easier for investors to monitor their investments. Arshaka Finance also acts as an intermediary between securities companies and potential investors in creating investor fund accounts. “Currently we have collaborated with Ipot Sekuritas and other securities companies which are still under confirmation,” said Fajrur.

Tim Arshaka Finance (dari kiri) Mohammad Aulia Yustisia Anwar, Jaka Perwira Ageng, Muhammad Abdul Rozzaq Khaidhor, Fajrur Rido Ataubakumarwa, Fia Diyant Amalia bareng mentornya Muhammad Syarifudin (berkaus hitam)

Arshaka Finance Team (from left) Mohammad Aulia Yustisia Anwar, Jaka Officer Ageng, Muhammad Abdul Rozzaq Khaidhor, Fajrur Rido Ataubakumarwa, Fia Diyant Amalia with their mentor Muhammad Syarifudin (black shirt)

In collaboration with experienced stock practice influencers, Arshaka Finance can make it easier for investors to distinguish between Islamic and conventional stock categories. The learning curriculum has also been adapted to the fatwa of the National Sharia Council of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI). “This is the advantage of Arshaka Finance compared to similar stock education platforms,” ​​said the young man from Kediri.

Through this innovation, Fajrur together with five colleagues namely Jaka Perwira Ageng, M Aulia Yustisia Anwar, Fia Diyant Amalia, M Abdul Rozzaq Khaidhor, and Wijaya Sakti MS who are also former ITS 2018 PKM Guard Teams have succeeded in donating a bronze medal in the presentation category in the event. 34th National Student Scientific Week (Pimnas) last year.

Currently, Arshaka Finance is focusing on developing digital marketing through Instagram. Fajrul hopes that in the future Arshaka Finance can produce a million sharia investors. “Hopefully, we can contribute to improving the sharia investment climate in Indonesia,” he concluded. (ITS Public Relation)


Reporter: Fathia Rahmanisa

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