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March 11, 2022 21:03

Develop Innovation in Digital Business, Telkom Hunts ITS Talents

Oleh : adminwebits | | Source : ITS Online
Rektor ITS Prof Dr Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng menyampaikan sambutannya pada Digistar Connect 2022 yang digelar Telkom Indonesia.

ITS Rector Prof. Dr. Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng delivered his remarks at Digistar Connect 2022 held by Telkom Indonesia.

ITS Campus, ITS News – Digital talent is now very much needed to support the development of digital innovation in various sectors of life. Together with Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS), Telkom Indonesia is here to invite young people to learn, grow, and contribute to the digital world in Indonesia through the Digistar Connect 2022: Goes to East Java event which was held at the ITS Research Center Building, Friday (11/02). 3).

This activity was attended by ITS academics, from the leadership, lecturers, to students. To support the development of digital innovation, ITS has built a Science Technology Area (KST) with various clusters, namely robotics, maritime, automotive, and creative industries. “What ITS has been trying to do is hopefully in line with the program initiated by Telkom Indonesia,” said ITS Chancellor Prof. Dr. Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng.

Digistar Connect itself is a series of events that aim to attract innovative and professional digital champion talents to learn, grow, and contribute to Indonesia. Previously, Telkom Indonesia and ITS had synergized in building the digital world in the country with the construction of the ITS Digital Innovation Lounge (DILo), some time ago. It is not uncommon for ITS to support Telkom Indonesia’s efforts to develop Indonesia’s digital world.

Direktur Digital Business Telkom Indonesia Muhammad Fajrin Rasyid saat menyampaikan materi pada gelaran Digistar Connect 2022 di kampus ITS,

Director of Digital Business Telkom Indonesia Muhammad Fajrin Rasyid when delivering material at the Digistar Connect 2022 event on the ITS campus,

Director of Digital Business Telkom Indonesia Muhammad Fajrin Rasyid said the industry is trying to develop following the current digital era, including Telkom Indonesia. To support this, it takes a lot of digital talent who not only can but must be experts in this matter. “It will be easy because millennials always want to produce something important,” said Fajrin, his nickname.

Fajrin revealed data that in 2021, the value of Indonesia’s digital economy will be at around 1,000 trillion and research says that it will grow twice as much in just four years. Of course, to make this happen, many young talents are needed who are ready to learn, grow, and contribute to Indonesia. “Don’t let Indonesia only be a consumer or a spectator, but must also play an active role,” Fajrin hoped.

On that occasion, Fajrin also revealed that there is only one skill that is needed now and in the future, namely having the desire to learn new things. However, adaptive traits also need to be instilled to support this because what is learned must be by needs. “Not to be left behind, in doing so, there needs to be cooperation so that the results can also be felt together,” he added.

Data Scientist Digital Business Telkom Faldy Maulana Yuantoro saat sesi gelar wicara pada Digistar Connect 2022 di Gedung Pusat Riset ITS.

Telkom Digital Business Data Scientist Faldy Maulana Yuantoro during a talk session at Digistar Connect 2022 at the ITS Research Center Building.

This was confirmed by Telkom Digital Business Data Scientist Faldy Maulana Yuantoro. According to him, students don’t need to worry if they feel they are in the wrong major because they are still learning after graduation to get to where they are now. Faldy added that in addition to continuing to be developed, mastered knowledge must also be combined to make it more optimal. “The most important thing is to always want to learn and give something more,” the ITS Industrial Engineering alumnus reminded. (ITS PR)


Reporter: Faqih Ulumuddin

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