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March 22, 2022 19:03

ITS Students Embrace MSMEs and Micro Celebrities Through Ngiklan Yuk

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M Rizqi Tsani, Alifia Shafa Camila, Mukhammad Akbar Makhbubi, Shinta Ulwiya, dan Muhammad Ainul Yaqin adalah mahasiswa ITS di balik tim Ngiklan Yuk

M Rizqi Tsani, Alifia Shafa Camila, Mukhammad Akbar Makhbubi, Shinta Ulwiya, and Muhammad Ainul Yaqin are ITS students behind the Ngiklan Yuk team

ITS Campus, ITS News Amid rampant electronic commerce in the digital era, as it is today, the marketing of merchandise is essential in an increasingly fierce and tight competition. Based on this, the student team from Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) initiated the Ngiklan Yuk platform as a solution in bridging the mutualistic relationship between Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) and micro-celebrities.

Mukhammad Akbar Makhbubi, Alifia Shafa Camila, Shinta Ulwiya, Muhammad Ainul Yaqin, and M Rizqi Tsani are the team behind the Ngiklan Yuk platform. The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) assessed that social media, which is increasingly mushrooming in society, has created new job opportunities.

Through micro-celebrities or people who are popular through social media, this allows the process of marketing MSME products to reach a much larger mass of people. “By taking advantage of the popularity of micro-celebrities, MSME products can be seen by more people and create the principle of brand stickiness,” he said.

This digital platform will link the needs of MSMEs for marketing their products and the services offered by micro-celebrities. “Through collaboration with micro-celebrities who already have an audience, MSME products marketed will be increasingly recognized and trigger an increase in sales turnover,” he added.

Tampilan platform Ngiklan Yuk yang diakses lewat smartphone Android

The display of the Ngiklan Yuk platform which is accessed via Android smartphones

The student, who is familiarly called Bobi, explained that the digital platform is equipped with one type of artificial intelligence, namely clustering. This feature will ensure that both parties have compatibility regarding market segmentation, domicile, and service fees. “MSMEs engaged in the food sector will automatically be found with micro-celebrities in the culinary field and the criteria for domicile and service fees,” he said.

In addition, this platform also presents a digital payment feature that will make it easier for users to transact. Not only that but the platform is also equipped with a transaction tracking feature. “When the transaction takes place, the MSMEs can monitor all processes through this platform to ensure user convenience in transacting,” concluded this 2019 student.

The student from Pasuruan hopes that the innovation is accessed through the website and the mobile app can help MSMEs develop their businesses and open new job opportunities for micro-celebrities. “In the future, we want to be able to help MSMEs and micro-celebrities to cover all regions in Indonesia.”

Platform Ngiklan Yuk dapat diakses pula melalui situs web dan memiliki antarmuka yang mudah digunakan

The Ngiklan Yuk platform can also be accessed through the website and has an easy-to-use interface

Under the guidance of the ITS Information Systems Department lecturer Andre Parvian Aristio SKom MSc, the innovative idea from the Ngiklan Yuk team has also won first place in the Indonesian Student Entrepreneurship (KMI) Awards 2021 General category late last year. (NA / ITS PR)


Reporter: Ricardo Hokky Wibisono

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