ITS Campus, ITS News – There are now 148 professors owned by the Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS), with the addition of three new professors. The three new ITS professors came from three different fields of science, the Department of Electrical Engineering, the Department of Chemistry, and the Department of Engineering Physics which were officially inaugurated at the ITS Research Center Building, Tuesday (15/3).
The inauguration procession which was led directly by the Chair of the ITS Board of Professors (DP) Prof. Dr. Ir Imam Robandi, was held in a hybrid manner. The offline procession was attended by several high-ranking ITS leaders and each of the families of the three new professors. Meanwhile, relatives, colleagues, and ITS academics can follow the live broadcast of the procession through the ITSTV YouTube channel.
The scientific oration was initiated by Prof. Dr. Eng I Made Yulistya Negara ST MSc with a research topic entitled Corona Discharge Characteristics as Early Detection of Damage to Electrical Energy System Equipment. “Electrical equipment systems for transmitting electrical energy require insulating materials to separate the live and non-voltage parts,” explained the ITS Electrical Engineering Department lecturer who was inaugurated as the 146th ITS professor.
This insulating substance called a dielectric material is very susceptible to local electric fields. One of the causes of a high local electric field is impurities and defects in the insulating material which will cause a partial discharge (PD) phenomenon. This PD phenomenon that occurs in the gas dielectric is called corona discharge. “Corona discharge needs to be detected as early as possible to avoid failure of the dielectric material in electrical equipment,” said the man born in Negara, Bali 1970.
Next is followed by Prof. Adi Setyo Purnomo SSi MSc Ph.D. This ITS Chemistry Department lecturer delivered a scientific oration with the theme of waste biodegradation with the title The Role of Wood-Rotting Fungus as an Industrial Waste Degrading Agent. “Synthetic dye waste is a stable compound that is difficult to degrade in nature and can endanger human health if inhaled,” said the man from Surabaya.
The 147th ITS professor explained that one of the effective dye waste treatment methods is biodecolorization using organisms (fungi and bacteria) as color-removing agents. This method offers a safe, efficient, and economical method. “The wood rot fungus has a faster and more effective system for degrading organic pollutants than other fungi,” added the alumnus of the ITS Chemistry Department.
The scientific oration was ended by Prof. Totok Ruki Biyanto ST MT PhD with The Role of Optimization and Process Control in the Success of Sustainable Human Development and Green Nature in Indonesia. “Process control and optimization is an action to achieve the best performance and profit in human development, but still preserve nature,” said the lecturer of the ITS Physics Engineering Department.
Furthermore, the 148th ITS professor said that the role of optimization and control in green practices can increase economy and profitability. Some industries adopt green practices to comply with legal requirements. In fact, the optimization of green practices and economic benefits are closely related.
“The research focuses on reducing chemicals, developing products that are more environmentally friendly, and generating maximum profit,” explained the head of the Instrumentation, Control and Optimization Laboratory of the ITS Physics Engineering Department.
In this inauguration procession, ITS Chancellor Prof. Dr. Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng also congratulated the three professors who had just been inaugurated. The Chancellor, who is often called Ashari, hopes that the birth of professors at ITS can continue to increase and ITS innovation can continue to grow. “Hopefully this new title can provide benefits for human survival and continue to advance humanity,” he said hopefully.
Finally, the Chair of the ITS Professors Board Prof. Dr. Ir Imam Robandi MT also delivered the inaugural speech. The professor from the ITS Electrical Engineering Department who is also known as a puppeteer congratulated the three. “Congratulations to the professor who has been inaugurated and continues to innovate to bring progress to this nation,” he concluded. (ITS Public Relation)
Reporter: Frecia Elrivia Mardianto
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