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Monday, March 24, 2025
March 25, 2022 19:03

ITS and KNKT Explore Collaboration for Transportation Safety

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ITS Chancellor Prof. Dr. Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng when opening his speech in a discussion on transportation safety with KNKT at the ITS Rectorate Building

ITS Campus, ITS News – Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) has undoubtedly contributed to innovation in transportation, both land, sea, and air. Call it some of them GESITS, Beehive Drones, and i-Boat, which can operate after going through strict safety tests. Seeing this action, on Thursday (24/03), the National Transportation Safety Commission (KNKT) explores collaboration with ITS in developing transportation in Indonesia.

Located in the ITS Rectorate Building, the meeting, held with the Focus Group Discussion (FGD) format, was attended by high-ranking ITS and KNKT officials. The purpose of the discussion forum is to discuss how universities can play a role in developing transportation in Indonesia, significantly increasing transportation security and safety.

The procession of the hearing session between ITS and KNKT at the ITS Rectorate Building

On this occasion, ITS Chancellor Prof. Dr. Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng appreciated KNKT’s steps to collaborate with academic institutions as a joint effort to improve the quality of Indonesian transportation, both infrastructure, and transportation safety standards. “Incidentally, we have experience in transportation research and its supporting facilities,” added the chancellor, who is usually called Ashari.

Meanwhile, the Chair of the KNKT, Dr. Ir Soerjanto Tjahjono, expressed his gratitude to ITS for still being willing to sit together and discuss after previously carrying out similar activities discussing shipping safety last January. “Previously, we have explored many collaborations with ITS, such as providing security infrastructure at airports and other cooperation in the shipping sector,” said Soerjanto.

Head of KNKT Dr Ir Soerjanto Tjahjono expressed his opinion in a discussion forum with ITSThe Dean of the Faculty of Marine Technology (FTK) ITS, Dr. Eng. Trika Pitana ST MSc explained that his party had been very intense in communicating with the KNKT. This communication is because FTK ITS is one of the pioneers in developing marine science and shipping in Indonesia. “FTK and KNKT often conduct joint research in the shipping industry,” he said.

Regarding research and innovation, he continued that ITS already has an integrated area of ​​Science Techno Park (STP) which has direct access to the industry. Through the STP approach, ITS can develop the latest technologies related to transportation safety. According to Trika, ITS has experts needed to make standardization and policy rules related to the procurement and operation of transportation infrastructure facilities.

Dean of the Faculty of Marine Technology (FTK) ITS Dr Eng Trika Pitana ST MSc when giving an explanation about the contribution of research and innovation by ITS to improve transportation safetyTherefore, ITS in the future is willing to carry out similar discussions as input for KNKT. So, it is hoped that ITS can support what the KNKT and other agencies related to transportation have done. “I am happy because this is a form of our contribution to the country through the KNKT,” said the ITS Department of Marine Engineering lecturer.

In the end, Soerjanto hopes that more universities can contribute to research related to transportation security and safety according to their respective expertise. He said that a scientific approach from an academic perspective was needed to develop the quality of Indonesian transportation. So, he continued, we can reduce the incidents of transportation accidents to a minimum. (ITS PR)


Reporter: Ferdian Wibowo

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