ITS News

Monday, January 13, 2025
March 25, 2022 10:03

ITS Awarded as Smart Campus and Campus Digital Transformation Readiness

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Publikasi Riset Rating Kecerdasan dan Kesiapan Transformasi Digital Kampus oleh Asosiasi Prakarsa Indonesia Cerdas (APIC)

Publication of Research on Intelligence Rating and Readiness of Campus Digital Transformation by the Asosiasi Prakarsa Indonesia Cerdas (APIC)

ITS Campus, ITS News – As a campus that carries a technological jargon, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) continues to hone its seriousness for using technology. Through this commitment, ITS managed to get an award for the Research on Campus Intelligence Rating and Readiness for Digital Transformation of the Indonesian Campus 2022 initiated by Asosiasi Prakarsa Indonesia Cerdas (APIC) Indonesia.

By the research was published in early March, ITS immediately received two awards from the two existing categories. Namely as a Campus Towards Smart and Campus with Digital Transformation Readiness Towards a Smart Campus. Through this appreciation, APIC stated that ITS was in line with the Smart campus concept they defined.

Quoted from the official APIC website, the Smart campus concept in question is not just using the most advanced technology in the teaching environment. But also how these campuses can manage and integrate technology with human resources, to create an effective and efficient campus ecosystem.

Gedung Pusat Riset ITS, tempat bernaungnya pusat pengembangan teknologi di dalam kampus ITS

The ITS Research Center Building, where the technology development center located on the ITS campus

This achievement cannot be separated from the vision and mission of ITS as a leading university in the field of science and technology in Indonesia. The reason is, that ITS itself lists the role of technology in every field in its institution. Such as the mission in education to provide higher education based on information technology or information technology (IT), research and community service centered on technology development, to management principles based on information and communication technology (ICT).

This is also stated by ITS in the institute’s strategic plan (renstra) for 2021-2025. In this case, ITS Rector Prof. Dr. Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng explained that ITS implemented the ID 4.0 strategy according to the institute’s strategic plan, include Internal Enhancement, Digital Transformation, Innovation Development, and International Reputation. “Through this strategy, for the last three years, ITS has become an institute with various achievements. That are closely related to technology integration and implementation,” he explained.

Rektor ITS Prof Dr Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng

ITS Rector Prof Dr. Ir Mochamad Ashari Meng

Further, Master Electrical Engineering The statement explained that the first achievement was that ITS succeeded in becoming a best campus in science and technology. That is evidenced by the campus IT infrastructure, that has been running well, including the availability of an integrated management information system on the MyITS platform. That can access by various layers of the academic community.

In addition, the second achievement is ITS as a campus that actively produces innovative products such as hospital assistant robots for handling Covid-19, known to the public as RAISA, driverless smart cars (i-Car), and autonomous ships (i-Boat), and other technological discoveries.

The third achievement is the achievements of students at the national and international levels in the field of science and technology. Examples are the first world champion at the Asia Pacific Broadcasting Association (ABU) Robot Contest in China in 2021, the overall winner in a row at the Indonesian Robot Contest (KRI), and various other achievements. “These various things complement each other and illustrate the practical capabilities of ITS in the fields of science and technology,” concluded the rector familiarly called Ashari. (ITS Public Relation)


Reporter: Raisa Zahra Fadila

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