ITS Campus, ITS News – Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) has again expanded its cooperation network with well-known companies in the country. This time, the expansion of this collaboration was carried out by signing a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with PT PLN, the Electricity Maintenance Center (PUSHARLIS), Thursday (31/3).
ITS Deputy Chancellor IV for Innovation, Cooperation, and Alumni, Bambang Pramujati ST MSc Eng PhD, opened the signing agenda. Bambang stated that in the future, ITS would greatly support the vision and mission of PT PLN PUSHARLIS. Especially in terms of research, development, and opportunities for students’ direct involvement in the field.
Bambang further stated, this MoU is a tangible manifestation of the discussion process at the first meeting related to the formulation of possible cooperation between ITS and PT PLN PUSHARLIS. “Through this memorandum of understanding, more opportunities will be available for both parties,” he explained.
Meanwhile, the General Manager of PT PLN PUSHARLIS Suroso said that several programs have not been properly managed and require the participation of universities. “Academics have the opportunity to be part of various development programs that will support the independence of this technology,” he explained.
Expressing his hope, three main points could be implemented after the signing of this MoU. First, cooperation in workshops owned by PT PLN PUSHARLIS spread across six points in Indonesia. Second, in terms of developing manufacturing technology and various other related branches. Lastly is a golden opportunity for students to intern and participate in the industry firsthand.
It does not stop here, Suroso added. The development of Human Resources (HR) is also one of the outputs of the signing of this MoU. “PT PLN PUSHARLIS will strongly support various studies, innovation ideas, and increase efficiency during this MoU,” he said.
PT PLN PUSHARLIS as a company working in the design and reverse engineering of electrical equipment sees a promising opportunity through this collaboration with ITS. The session discussed many aspects of the alignment of needs between the two parties. Many steps can be done immediately, especially in the design and technical fields.
Both parties stated that this MoU intends to realize in various real programs in the future. “With pleasure, PT PLN PUSHARLIS, along with ITS, will contribute to supporting the progress of the domestic industry,” said Suroso. (ITS PR)
Reporter: Faadhillah Syhab Azzahra
Translator : Hanifah Inayah
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