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April 08, 2022 16:04

Rongsokin, the Digital Waste Bank Application Idea of ITS Students

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(dari kiri) Annisyah Amelia Fadhilah, Farid Cenreng, Muhammad Adib Afkari, Cellerina Yolanda Evitasari, dan Shafira Cahyasakti, tim mahasiswa ITS yang menggagas Rongsokin(from left) Annisyah Amelia Fadhilah, Farid Cenreng, Muhammad Adib Afkari, Cellerina Yolanda Evitasari, and Shafira Cahyasakti, the ITS student team that initiated Rongsokin

ITS Campus, ITS News – There are still many people who throw their junk carelessly, so that without realizing it has the potential to cause harmful pollution such as heavy metals by used batteries. Seeing this, the student team of Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) presented a digital mobile waste bank application that helps people to easily sell their junk to collectors without having to leave the house.

The application, named Rongsokin, was initiated by a team consisting of Annisyah Amelia Fadhilah (Department of Electrical Engineering), Farid Cenreng (Department of Computer Engineering), Muhammad Adib Afkari (Department of Electrical Engineering), Cellerina Yolanda Evitasari (Department of Electrical Engineering), and Shafira Cahyasakti (Department of Electrical Engineering). Department of Electrical Engineering). This innovative application provides buying and selling of junk goods through mobile collectors that can be accessed online at any time.

According to Annisyah Amelia Fadhilah, team leader, the way this application works is easy. App users only need to tick the type of junk they want to sell. Then, the user must include his complete home address, then the collectors who want to buy the junk will go directly to the relevant location. “The collector will pick up the junk and see the condition of the goods, then the transaction will be carried out,” he explained.

The types of junk that can be used in this transaction are electronic goods, plastic, paper, glass, metal, and cloth. Each item classified into the six types has a price that has been set in the application. “We have set a price in the application so that collectors can get the money they deserve, because we often see collectors getting smaller results than they should,” he said.

(dari kiri) Tampilan depan aplikasi Rongsokin, penentuan detail barang yang ingin ditransaksikan, dan fitur bacaan berupa artikel

(from left) Front view of the Rongsokin application, determining the details of the goods you want to transact, and reading features in the form of articles

Furthermore, said the student who is familiarly called Nisyah, the money obtained from the transaction will be evaluated into junk points, where the accumulated points can be exchanged into rupiah in the form of e-money. “We are already planning to cooperate with the Financial Services Authority, banking, OVO, and other e-money platforms,” ​​said the bespectacled student.

In addition to transacting junk, this 2019 student said that she and her team had provided a number of interesting articles about waste, junk, electronic waste, and so on. “So, users can read and educate themselves about junk, garbage, waste, and other related topics,” he said.

Until now, the Rongsokin application can be accessed by the general public through Google Play. In it, a total of 30 collectors have joined this application and are ready to serve transactions. “However, at this time transactions can only be carried out in the Surabaya area,” he said.

Aplikasi Rongsokin, gagasan tim mahasiswa ITS, yang bisa ditemukan di Google Play

The Rongsokin application, the brainchild of the ITS student team, which can be found on Google Play

The student who was born in 2002 added that the collaboration with collectors in the Rongsokin application made it different from other similar applications. In relation to other advantages, the team under the guidance of lecturer Dr Eng Rony Seto Wibowo ST MT has also won a bronze medal at the 2021 National Student Scientific Week (Pimnas) in the poster category.

Finally, Nisyah hopes that the presence of Rongsokin can develop and attract many active users, and be useful for them. “After Rongsokin has grown a lot, we also hope to be able to launch Rongsok Care and Rongsok Society, a kind of action to care for the people around us,” he concluded. (ITS Public Relations)

Reporter: Irwan Fitranto

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