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April 13, 2022 15:04

Handing over 13 Semeru Endemic Orchids, TNBTS Supports ITS Smart Eco Campus

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Penyerahan tanaman anggrek Semeru oleh Plt Kepala Balai Besar TNBTS Novita Kusuma Wardani SHut MAp MEnv (kiri) kepada Wakil Rektor III ITS Dr Eng Ir Ahmad Rusdiansyah MEng

The handover of the Semeru orchids plant by Acting Head of TNBTS Center Novita Kusuma Wardani SHut MAp MENv (left) to ITS Vice Chancellor III Dr. Eng Ir Ahmad Rusdiansyah MEng

Campus ITS, ITS News – The Smart Eco Campus which has been declared since 2011 by the Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) continues to be empowered and plays an active role in the development of environmentally sound science and technology. Supporting this as well as conservation on the ITS campus, Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park (TNBTS) handed over 13 types of Semeru orchids in the yard of the ITS Rectorate Building, Wednesday (13/4).

On this occasion, Deputy Chancellor III for Human Resources, Organizations, and Information System Technology ITS Dr. Eng Ir Ahmad Rusdiansyah MEng explained, that Smart Eco Campus is not just a campus jargon but is directed to achieve social engineering targets. Not only that but ITS is also expected by the Surabaya City Government (Pemkot) to become a driving force for the community.

As a driving force, ITS is targeted to change the mindset or mindset of the people of Surabaya and its surroundings to transform to contribute more to the green environment. This can be a patent cycle in people’s lives. “Together, we apply mindset transformation rather than mere technicality,” he said, motivating.

Penyerahan buku trilogi Biodiversity in ITS oleh Wakil Rektor III ITS Dr Eng Ir Ahmad Rusdiansyah MEng kepada Plt Kepala Balai Besar TNBTS Novita Kusuma Wardani SHut MAp MEnv

Submission of the Biodiversity in ITS trilogy book by ITS Vice Chancellor III Dr. Eng Ir Ahmad Rusdiansyah MEng to the Acting Head of TNBTS Center Novita Kusuma Wardani SHut MAp MEnv

The lecturer with the nickname Doddy also expressed his hope that TNBTS could work together to reach a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) and Cooperation Agreements (PKS) with several departments at ITS. So that it can support research and innovation in the realm of ecology, botany, and tissue culture. “If possible, it can be continued for the Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) program,” he said.

According to Doddy, the MBKM program will later be designed in such a way as to conduct research and support human resources (HR) in TNBTS. Here, students are expected to learn directly about mapping, analysis of needs for conservation aspects, and environmental forestry, so that later they can be directed to plan the concept of campus forest development.

Meanwhile, Acting Head of TNBTS Center Novita Kusuma Wardani SHut MAp MENv revealed, that TNBTS is happy to provide the results of the conservation of the Semeru orchid plant to ITS. “TNBTS also enthusiastically supports the ITS Smart Eco Campus program, especially if it requires lots of plants and assistance in reforesting the environment,” she said.

Proses penanaman salah satu jenis anggrek Semeru dari Taman Nasional Bromo Tengger Semeru (TNBTS) di halaman Gedung Rektorat ITS

The process of planting one type of Semeru orchid from Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park (TNBTS) in the courtyard of the ITS Rectorate Building

Novita also mentioned that this plant handover activity had been planned for a long time, but it did need a deeper study to adapt it to Surabaya’s environmental conditions. Special attention is also needed to the availability of Semeru orchids produced from the conservation of the orchidarium in TNBTS. “After passing trials on several environments, finally dared to send orchids to ITS,” she said.

Please note, that the 13 types of orchids sent were the result of the orchid garden at Ranu Darungan Resort, Pronojiwo Village, Lumajang which was built in 2017 through an intensive ecological and social study process. Some of the main orchids shipped were Arundina graminifolia (D.Don) Hoch. and Acriopsis liliifolia (Koen.) Ormerod. “This type of orchid is obtained from the results of in-vitro seed breeding by local men,” explained Novita proudly.

Regarding support for the ITS Smart Eco Campus, TNBTS also discussed the collaboration opportunities offered by ITS in terms of conservation and research of orchids in Indonesia. Also interested in the idea of a special interest tourist destination that is intended as a means of certain education while traveling, where this is supported by the ITS Regional and City Planning Department (PWK) which has a special field of tourism planning.

Jajaran pimpinan ITS dan tim ITS Smart Eco Campus bersama tim dari Taman Nasional Bromo Tengger Semeru (TNBTS) menunjukkan tanaman anggrek endemik Semeru yang diserahkan kepada ITS

ITS leadership and the ITS Smart Eco Campus team with a team from Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park (TNBTS) showed the endemic Semeru orchid plant which was handed over to ITS

Novita said that TNBTS is ready with various conservation, protection, and area monitoring activities in the form of planting, fighting forest fires, joint patrols with the Polhut Partner Community (MMP), and socializing and preventing forest fires. “Judging from the prospects and needs, all you have to do is prepare the supporting documents,” she said.

At the end of the event, with the delivery of the Semeru orchid plant to ITS, both parties, especially ITS, hope that TNBTS can immediately follow up on several offers of cooperation. Among others, are those related to the MBKM program, joint research, and plant conservation at ITS. (ITS Public Relation)


Reporter: Fauzan Fakhrizal Azmi

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