ITS Campus, ITS News – Registration for new students from Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) through the 2022 State University Entrance Joint Selection (SBMPTN) was officially closed last Saturday (16/4). From the latest recorded data, as many as 19,778 students have chosen ITS to continue their studies in higher education.
The Head of the Admissions Sub-Directorate (Kasubdit) of the ITS Education Directorate, Dr. Eng Unggul Wasiwitono ST MEngSc, said a significant increase in ITS enthusiasts in this year’s SBMPTN. “It can be accumulated that ITS enthusiasts increased by 17 percent this year compared to 16,000 registrants last year,” said Unggul in a written interview Tuesday (19/4).
Like the previous year continued Unggul, ITS will give its best effort during this selection process. “There has been no special preparation from ITS; the selection process will be carried out centrally,” explained the lecturer of the Mechanical Engineering Department.
It shows the number of ITS enthusiasts in general, but Unggul also shared data on the five departments with the most interest. The first is the Department of Informatics Engineering, followed by the Department of Information Systems, the Department of System and Industrial Engineering, Civil Engineering, and the Department of Architecture.
Furthermore, according to Unggul, the number of applicants indicates that the tightness of acceptance will also be higher. This requires students who will take the Computer-Based Written Examination (UTBK) test to prepare the best so that their hopes of being part of ITS can be achieved.
As information from previous ITS reports, ITS will provide 1,644 seats for new students from the SBMPTN pathway this year. This shows that there will be a reasonably high competition between participants for seats at ITS, with the current increase in the number of registrants.
Ending the interview, Unggul expressed his great hope for students who choose ITS to make the best use of the available time, namely by studying seriously. “The hope is that prospective ITS students are the best, able to solve UTBK questions correctly so that the scores are also high,” he concluded. (ITS Public Relation/far)
Reporter: Faadhillah Syhab Azzahra
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