ITS Campus, ITS News – Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) again held a PMB registration socialization. This time the socialization for the registration through Achievement and IUP batch II was held online Thursday (21/4).
The Head of the ITS Admissions Sub-directorate (Kasubdit), Dr. Eng Unggul Wasiwitono ST MEngSc, explained that ITS had opened a special registration for the achievement track. The registration requirements are specifically for prospective new students who have a myriad of achievements following the provisions offered by ITS and have outstanding achievements.
In this selection, prospective students will not be charged the Institutional Development Contribution (SPI) or the building fee. This means that prospective students are only charged a single tuition fee (UKT) per semester, equivalent to the independent UKT. “Even in this path, we do not rule out the possibility of prospective registrants receiving the Indonesian Smart College Card (KIP-K) assistance,” he explained.
Then proceed to PMB for the IUP route. Currently, ITS has provided 17 departments in the undergraduate program for this IUP, which are in six faculties that will accept prospective new students for the 2022/2023 academic year. “The six faculties are Scientics, Indsys, Civplan, Martech, Electics, and Creabiz,” said Unggul in the virtual meeting.
The study programs offered at this IUP include Statistics, Mechanical Engineering, System and Industrial Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Physics Engineering, Materials, Metallurgical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Urban and Regional Planning (PWK), Geomatics Engineering, and Geophysical Engineering. In addition, it is also open to Marine Engineering, Marine Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Information Systems, Informatics Engineering, and Business Management.
Furthermore, Unggul said that IUP ITS students had the convenience of participating in various internationalization activities without additional educational costs. “Of course, this depends on the policies of each partner university, but in general, students only need to pay back for living costs in the country where they exchange,” he said.
He also explained that this program is generally offered, followed by Indonesian Citizens (WNI) and Foreign Citizens (WNA) who graduate in the related year. Or with other provisions, have done 12 years of compulsory education or have graduated from the final level school for a maximum of three years.
The documents that need to be attached are transcripts of report cards, certificates of English proficiency, motivation letters, and letters of parental approval. Securing a health certificate, recommendation letter, and passport is also obligatory for prospective registrants who come from abroad.
According to the ITS Mechanical Engineering Department lecturer, applicants from Indonesia and their schools using the national curriculum do not need to attach transcripts of report cards. Registrants can directly input the value of the specified subjects to the registration website. “Registrants just input the value as requested on the website,” he said.
Prospective students must also have qualified English skills and be proven by one of the four certificates offered by ITS. Among others TOEFL, IELTS, TOEIC, and Duolingo. Prospective students can access further information regarding registration requirements on the page.
After completing the form and paying the registration fee, the registrant will get a registration card. The IUP Batch II registration process in batch II is almost the same as in batch I. The only difference will be in the next batch III. The report card attachments are replaced with Computer-Based Written Examination (UTBK) or Academic Ability Test (TKA) scores in this batch.
In the end, Unggul conveyed to all applicants in both pathways that although achievement and proficiency in English are essential points needed in lecture activities, the attached certificate is not the primary reference. “It doesn’t matter if the registrant’s achievements or scores have not reached the specified criteria because passing or not is also considered through various other considerations,” he concluded, closing the event. (ITS PR)
Reporter: Fauzan Fakhrizal Azmi
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