ITS Campus, ITS News – Coinciding with the commemoration of Earth Day, the ITS Smart Eco Campus, together with the Environmental Lovers and Observers Group (KPPL) of Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS), launched the ITS Integrated Waste Savings (TaSTe). The entire ITS big family can use the ITS TaSTe to foster a culture of managing waste properly.
In his speech, ITS Vice Chancellor III Ahmad Rusdiansyah CSCD CLTD IPU revealed that small habits such as managing waste could have a significant impact on the environment. Therefore, TaSTe ITS can be one way to care for the surrounding environment. “Through one of the ITS Smart Eco Campus programs, ITS wants to invite all ITS civitas to care about the environment and create a new culture around them,” said the lecturer familiarly called Doddy.
In line with Doddy, ITS Smart Eco Campus Social Engineering Coordinator Herdayanto Sulistyo Putro SS MSi explained, ITS TaSTe is one of the containers that can reduce plastic waste in Final Disposal Sites (TPA). “Our main focus is how to change the behavior of the ITS academic community to be more sensitive to the environment by saving waste,” said the man who is often called Danang.
This Chemistry Department lecturer continued, ITS academics who want to save waste can bring their sorted waste to the ITS Urban Farming location. After that, the officer will weigh the sorted waste. Garbage depositors will be directed to create an account at the to collect data on the exchange of waste with points. “People can later exchange points from saving trash in money or vouchers,” he said.
Furthermore, Danang explained that ITS TaSTe, located at ITS Urban Farming, receives waste-saving services on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Fridays. The waste-saving service is open from 08.00 – 16.00. “Each waste will have its price details, ranging from plastic valued at Rp. 2,500 per kilogram to cardboard which is valued at Rp. 3,000 per kilogram,” he explained.
Danang hopes that the ITS academic community can protect the environment by saving waste at ITS TaSTe as a small first step to protecting the earth. “With the TaSTe program, the ITS academic community is expected to have high enthusiasm for saving waste in the ITS Waste Bank,” he concluded. (ITS PR)
Reporter: Thariq Agfi Hermawan
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