ITS News

Monday, January 13, 2025
April 25, 2022 15:04

Launches MyITS Services, ITS Improves Digital Transformation Excellent Service

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ITS Vice Chancellor III Dr. Eng Ir Ahmad Rusdiansyah MEng while giving a speech while inaugurating the ITS academic community public service, MyITS Services

ITS Vice Chancellor III Dr. Eng Ir Ahmad Rusdiansyah MEng while giving a speech while inaugurating the ITS academic community public service, MyITS Services

ITS Campus, ITS News – Even though it was just officially established in June 2020, the Integrated Service Center of Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) continuously improves services to achieve World Class University (WCU) goals and digital transformation. One of them is through the launching of MyITS Services as a one-stop service development formed as an implementation of reformation in ITS public services, Monday (25/4).

In its online inauguration, MyITS Services is presented while applying guidelines that refer to the vision of Excellent Service and Innovation, which means providing the best service with innovations in every service process. The professionalism of service managers, acceleration, convenience, and transparency of information is also considered impactful in bringing changes to the service culture and customer satisfaction.

This service was created through collaboration between PLT ITS and the Directorate of Technology and Information System Development (DPTSI) ITS in the Sub-directorate of Applications and Digital Platforms. This team also actively coordinates with the Directorate of Human Resources and Organizations (SDMO) of ITS as the person in charge of the academic community’s resource needs.

Deputy Chancellor III for Human Resources, Organization, and Information System Technology ITS Dr. Eng Ir Ahmad Rusdiansyah MEng remarks that this service does not focus only on service planning but also on preparing the room which will later become the center of services.

Optimal services are also provided in the era of the Covid-19 pandemic, where students are given many conveniences in obtaining various campus needs. “Such as Certificate of Graduation (SKL), translation of diplomas, to legalization services can now be served more easily,” he explained.

To access the MyITS Services application, academicians need to access the myITS site ( The username and password used alone are the same as login access to the Integra, so users do not need to register or create a new account. “It requires registration only when the academic community will carry out activities to get the documents needed,” the lecturer familiarly called Doddy said.

Video profile of the ITS Integrated Service Center (PLT) as well as the video launching of the MyITS Services service

Video profile of the ITS Integrated Service Center (PLT) as well as the video launching of the MyITS Services service

This lecturer from the Department of System and Industrial Engineering hopes that MyITS Service can be used properly during both pandemic and the transition period, where campuses have started offline teaching and learning activities. It is also possible for this service to develop to facilitate remote academics in the future. “Further development waits for the direction of the Rector while still following the work rules and targeted matters,” he said.

At the launching of the MyITS Services, a webinar on improving service excellence at ITS was also presented by a resource person from the Head of the Ombudsman of the Republic of Indonesia, East Java Representative Agus Muttaqin. In his presentation, Agus said services at ITS must follow the principles and objectives of the existing ombudsman; to meet community service needs and realize community expectations.

Presentation of the webinar to improve excellent service at ITS by the Head of the RI Ombudsman for East Java Representative Agus Muttaqin

Presentation of the webinar to improve excellent service at ITS by the Head of the RI Ombudsman for East Java Representative Agus Muttaqin

So far, Agus revealed that ITS had no complaints regarding existing public services. This is also supported by the achievement of PLT ITS in being the best three of all institutions under the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology and the top rank among universities in the evaluation of public service monitoring and evaluation.

Furthermore, Agus hopes that urgent and sacred points contained in the public service guideline continuously be considered deeply. ITS also needs to test the service standards, announcements, management, and infrastructure to integrate services and recognition. “That point is the key to service integration to avoid maladministration in the academic environment and the ITS campus,” he reminded. (ITS PR)

Reporter: Fauzan Fakhrizal Azmi

Translator : Hanifah Inayah

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