ITS Campus, ITS News – After the success of Tower 1, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) rebuilt the Tower 2 building to meet the needs of learning facilities. Starting the construction process, ITS held a groundbreaking ceremony or laying of the first stone for the Tower 2 building located in the ITS Electrical Engineering Department area, Wednesday (27/4).
The construction of Tower 2 results from the collaboration between ITS and PT Wijaya Karya (WIKA). The ceremony was attended directly by ITS Chancellor Prof. Dr. Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng IPU AEng, Secretary of the ITS Board of Trustees (MWA) Dr. Ir Lily Pudjiastuti, Chair of the ITS Academic Senate (SA) Prof. Dr. Syafsir Akhlus, Chair of the ITS Electrical Alumni Association (IKA ELITS) PW East Java Rudy Kurniawan, Director of Operations III PT WIKA Ir Rudi Hartono, as well as several company partners and ITS leadership.
In his remarks, the Chancellor, who is often called Ashari, said that the construction of the ITS Tower 2 building was motivated by an increase in the number of ITS students from year to year. “Currently, the number of ITS students has increased from the previous 20 thousand to 25 thousand and will continue to increase in the future,” said Ashari.
From there, he continued, ITS collaborated with PT WIKA to build ITS Tower 2 to meet the needs of the learning infrastructure. This is also considering that ITS has opened several new study programs in the last few years. “With Tower 2, it is hoped that the ITS academic community will feel more comfortable so that the quality of learning can increase,” he said hopefully.
As is known, ITS has built ITS Tower 1, also known as MIPA Tower, since 2012 and has 11 floors. This year, after being delayed by two years due to the Covid-19 pandemic, ITS continues to develop infrastructure on campus aggressively. “In addition to the construction of ITS Tower 2, the construction of ITS Tower 3 and the Language Center has also been planned,” added the professor of Electrical Engineering.
The ITS Tower 2 building will be built over the next 11 months. The 1st floor will function as the entrance lobby and showroom. Then, the 2nd floor will be filled with student services and an auditorium. The learning laboratory will fill the 3rd and 9th floors, while the 4th to 8th floors will function as classrooms for several departments.
The 10th floor of the ITS Tower 2 building is for lecturers’ rooms, not only providing facilities for students. Finally, the top floor will function as a multipurpose room with 160 people. The ITS Tower 2 building is also equipped with a Building Automation System (BAS) and Solar Panels to save energy and maintenance costs. (ITS Public Relation/far)
Reporter: Tyara Novia Andhin
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