ITS Campus, ITS News –Shredded meat made from meat is common, but what about shredded banana peels? This is the food product innovation idea offered by the student team at Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS). Having an anti-depressant effect, this shredded banana peel is introduced in various delicious flavors.
Fadhila Rosyidatul ‘Arifah, the team leader, explained that his team chose banana peels as the raw material for shredded meat because they saw the significant accumulation of banana peel waste from the food industry from bananas. “We select the banana peels that will be used so that they have good nutrition, are still fresh, and deserve to be processed,” explained Fadhila.
This student from the Department of Materials and Metallurgy Engineering also revealed another reason for choosing banana peel as a raw material. According to him, banana peels contain many nutrients, one of which is serotonin. “The content stored in the form of vitamin B6 itself can reduce the effects of depression,” she said.
The team, which calls its business S&S Abon, to reach a broader target market, innovates banana peel shreds with various flavors. The available flavors are chocolate, red velvet, matcha, seaweed, chicken, beef, and grilled fish. “With the many flavors available, S&S Abon is expected to be able to survive with the many tastes of consumers,” she said.
Not only about taste, continued Fadhila, but his team also thought about the packaging aspect of S&S Abon. This floss is packaged in a ziplock package decorated with the S&S Abon mascot image in an attractive color. However, S&S Abon still has a relatively affordable price of Rp. 10 thousand for a 100-gram package.
In their own product marketing design, this team plans to use online sales media and social media. This innovation also brought Fadhila and two of her colleagues, Intan Mey Setyaningrum from Engineering Physics and Sri Irna Solihatun Ummah from the Department of Mathematics, to silver medals in the Business Model Canvas Competition (BMCC) at Brawijaya University, some time ago.
In the future, the team, guided by the lecturer Erna Septyaningrum ST MT, hopes this product can be tested further and distributed to the market. “Hopefully, this product can benefit the community and be marketed on a national to an international scale,” he said optimistically. (ITS Public Relation)
Reporter: Gandhi Kesuma
Redaktur: Fatih Izzah
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